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PowerdXX I decided to make some tests with powerdxx.
You can download it for 2.6.0/22.05 from here:wget -O powerdxx.pkg https://pkg.freebsd.org/FreeBSD:12:amd64/latest/All/powerdxx-0.4.4_1.pkg
As pfsense dont have wget on board you have to put the downloaded package via sftp on pfsense.
After that go to the place where you have put the package and execute:pkg add powerdxx.pkg
This will add the package to pfsense.
Before starting powerdxx you have to stop the regular powerd.
In my case the best compromise between performance and power savings was:
powerdxx -a hadp -b hadp -n hadp
(Of course you can play with the many possibilities of that package if you want.)
If you want, you can give it a try.Edit (15 days later): As a result of the tests I made I can say in my Lab environment the power saving gain is not so huge as the effort to make it work. I tested it also under 23.01 and I can say the freeBSD built-in powerd can do the job as well.
Have a fine Weekend,