Monitor IP - Ability to set time until marked healthy?
I am using WAN and WAN2 for my two ISP connections. I have WAN1 set as tier1 and WAN2 set as tier 2. This all works great and as expected.
However, when the packet loss is intermittent, it causes a lot of flapping between the tier 1 and tier 2 interfaces.
Is there a way to set the monitor IP to check for say 10 minutes and if its stable to mark that link as available? I haven't been able to find an option for this and I know other vendors support this. So maybe its just hidden.
Thanks so much,
In the gateway settings, click display advanced. There are some values regarding the gateway probing you can modify to achieve, what you want, I think. -
@viragomann Thanks. I did check that but its not clear to me on how to achieve what I'm looking for with those settings. That only seems to modify the monitoring probe thresholds but not a grace period to when the interface is monitored as OK. I want to wait say 10 minutes after the probe is good before the interface is used again for traffic.