PIMD capabilities insufficient
I've had PIMD running for over a year with no issues and working as I had hoped. I just upgraded to pfSense Plus 23.01.
PIMD lists that the service is running and the status window has populated groups, but now my system log is getting filled with pimd package messages about capabilities insufficient. Here is a snippet, which I get a message now every 10 to 15 seconds.
2023-02-22 11:00:29.429755-05:00 pimd 36626 sendto from to Capabilities insufficient 2023-02-22 11:00:29.429702-05:00 pimd 36626 Sendto to on Capabilities insufficient 2023-02-22 11:00:29.428061-05:00 pimd 36626 pimd version 2.3.2 starting ... 2023-02-22 11:00:28.413340-05:00 pimd 1835 sendto from to Capabilities insufficient 2023-02-22 11:00:28.413068-05:00 pimd 1835 Sendto to on Capabilities insufficient 2023-02-22 11:00:28.410447-05:00 pimd 1835 pimd version 2.3.2 starting ...
In the logs, I also noticed that pimd started PID 1835 and also PID 36626. I looked further down in the logs and see where there is a message advising "another multicast routing application is already running":
2023-02-22 10:47:24.199913-05:00 pimd 8270 sendto from to Capabilities insufficient 2023-02-22 10:47:18.965035-05:00 pimd 8270 sendto from to Capabilities insufficient 2023-02-22 10:47:18.964851-05:00 pimd 8370 Another multicast routing application is already running. 2023-02-22 10:47:18.964806-05:00 pimd 8270 Sendto to on Capabilities insufficient 2023-02-22 10:47:18.963776-05:00 pimd 8370 pimd version 2.3.2 starting ... 2023-02-22 10:47:18.963131-05:00 pimd 8270 pimd version 2.3.2 starting ...
So I have no idea what is going on with this. Here are the services currently running:
The SNMP services are next to troubleshoot why they aren't starting after the upgrade. One thing at a time, and the number of OpenVPN services is correct for my implementation.
Any help is greatly appreciated. No other changes were made to pimd other than the upgrade to 23.01. Thanks!
You also have avahi running,
@nogbadthebad I've always had Avahi and PIMD running together. I don't understand them too terribly well and followed some guides to get them initially setup. Do they now not operate together? I was originally told to have them both running together.
@nogbadthebad Thanks for the tip on looking into avahi. I never looked into it enough to realize that obviously the mDNS multicast traffic was being broadcast across interfaces by PIMD, so no need for avahi. I'm not sure why that was recommended by the guides I read a while back had it listed to use both. I should have realized that a long time ago! I've disabled avahi. It hasn't had any effect on the capabilities insufficient messages though, and I still haven't figured that one out.
It's almost like the package/service isn't running at a high enough permission, which has to be a change in the 23.01 upgrade.
Anyone have any other ideas, or does this need to get submitted to redmine? Thanks.
*** Edited, adding below
I tried uninstalling the package, manually removed all <pimd references from the config.xml, then reinstalled and reconfigured. Still have the same result from the package with the "capabilities insufficient" messages filling the log file.
@sgnoc To be honest, I don't understand as I've got both avahi and PIMD running fine on my 23.01 setup.
Well, I feel dumb... I just noticed in the logs it is the same interface IP that is in the messages. Apparently just before I did the upgrade, I also removed an OpenVPN interface a few days prior and didn't notice these logs must have been generating before the upgrade. So PIMD was trying to send to an interface that no longer exists. Makes a lot of sense why it doesn't have the capabilities!
Removed the interface from the PIMD settings and miraculously the problem is solved. Wish I would have noticed these logs before I upgraded.
Thanks for the help, this one was definitely on me!
@vollans Thanks! I ended up thinking I could get just PIMD working, but apparently I still do need the Avahi running with PIMD. Chromecast and samsung speakers were not able to do discovery without Avahi running, and PIMD is doing the messages broadcasting for everything else. Still don't really understand fully PIMD vs Avahi, but I seem to need both running for things to work properly. I just flipped Avahi back on and everything is running fine now, and no more capabilities messages from the post I just submitted.