synology agent
i'd want to install synology agent , but it's faulty
Verifying archive integrity... 100% MD5 checksums are OK. All good.
Uncompressing Active Backup for Business Agent 100% ... Extraction failed.i've already change directory , but the problem is the same .
Can you help me ?
@troubleshooting74 your trying to installed that on your nas, and pfsense is your router.. If the md5 checkout out, why would you think it has anything to do with pfsense?
I just installed this to see if could duplicate your problem, and seems to install just fine
no , i've already installed active backup on my nas , but the problem is on pfsense where i'cant install agent
@troubleshooting74 said in synology agent:
pfsense where i'cant install agent
They have a agent for freebsd? I would find that surprising to be sure..
I don't see a freebsd agent, only windows linux and mac
Pfsense is not linux, it is based off freebsd - there is a difference between that and linux.. To have any hope of running the agent on pfsense you would at min need a agent meant to run on freebsd.
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