IPv6 on VLAN
I created a VLAN and have it configured the same as the native LAN, except for the IPv4 address and the IPv6 prefix ID. The Dashboard, however, only shows an IPv4 address for it. Any idea what to check about the lack of IPv6 address?
tnx jk
BTW, I'm getting a /56 prefix from my ISP, so I should be able to have a /64 for the VLAN.
Track interface are assigned from WAN. Edit WAN (make no changes), Save, Apply and you should have an interface address there.
I would expect that new interface would be populated when the WAN DHCP6/PD was renewed but I did not test that.
Just saving the WAN page was enough. I now have VLAN3, with IPv6 up. I used prefix ID 3 and the last digit of the prefix is 3, compared to 0 on the native LAN.
Save, Apply and you should have an interface address there
MIght this be considered a bug? I wouldn't expect to have to save on another page, when I had already saved on the page where I made the change.
MIght this be considered a bug? I wouldn't expect to have to save on another page, when I had already saved on the page where I made the change.
And may I ask you, how would the Track Interface (WAN) know about/incorporate your LAN change?
Perhaps, the save could trigger whatever the other save does. Prior to using pfSense, I used Linux for my firewall/router and a 6in4 tunnel for IPv6. With it, I just set up a route for the /64 I wanted to assign to the VLAN. I didn't have to save anything else. Also, that Track Interface is on the same page as used for setting up the LAN or VLAN. Shouldn't it know about the change, when that LAN/VLAN page is saved?
MIght this be considered a bug? I wouldn't expect to have to save on another page, when I had already saved on the page where I made the change.
And may I ask you, how would the Track Interface (WAN) know about/incorporate your LAN change?
If the WAN had already received its address and prefix from the ISP DHCPv6 server, why does anything need to be done on the WAN page in the first place? All that's being done is activating a network on pfSense using a prefix ID that was already assigned to the pfSense box in the previous WAN DHCP6 client lease.
It seems unusual to me also that anything needs to be done on the WAN to get a new network its IPv6 address/prefix when the larger prefix (whatever its size may be) was already assigned to the pfSense box.
It seems unusual to me also that anything needs to be done on the WAN to get a new network its IPv6 address/prefix when the larger prefix (whatever its size may be) was already assigned to the pfSense box.
Because you use Track Interface, not a static assignment. So hey, the subnet number is yet undefined for that WAN-side ISP prefix. AIUI you expect that ISP prefix changes work their way through into LAN's, DHCP-servers and even the delegated block's to other routers…?
Again, why should that require saving on the WAN side? Once it's set up, it should always track. Even if something has to be done that happens when saving the WAN page, why can't that something also happen when the LAN is saved? As it is, I had no idea why my VLAN was not picking up an IPv6 address. I would never assume I had to save the WAN page to make something on the LAN work.
I guess the WAN 'tracks' something for a list of LAN's - this list will be setup explicitly when the WAN is set - this list will be populated when all the LAN's exists AND when WAN is saved.
Something like that ^^