23.01 grep consuming all memory
I migrated from 2.6.0CE to plus then up to 23.01 and now I'm getting issues with memory exhaustion to the point where the system becomes inoperable.
Packages installed are
- acpusd
- avahi
- bandwidthd
- darkstat
- nmap
- pfBlockerNG-devel
all are currently up to date.
This is the output from top showing grep eating all resources.
CPU: 70.8% user, 0.0% nice, 25.5% system, 3.8% interrupt, 0.0% idle Mem: 5640M Active, 135M Inact, 753M Laundry, 1117M Wired, 759M Buf, 30M Free Swap: 4096M Total, 4096M Used, K Free, 100% Inuse, 148M In PID USERNAME THR PRI NICE SIZE RES STATE C TIME WCPU COMMAND 45388 root 1 108 0 518M 422M RUN 2 234:08 78.30% grep 39739 root 1 99 0 512M 423M CPU0 0 40:15 51.22% grep 82865 root 1 96 0 518M 423M RUN 1 368:45 33.26% grep 34308 root 1 101 0 518M 465M RUN 3 7:22 27.23% grep 54032 root 1 96 0 512M 423M CPU1 1 109:08 23.92% grep 67624 root 1 93 0 512M 424M RUN 3 299:25 15.39% grep 67011 root 1 68 0 512M 424M pfault 1 17:46 14.51% grep 78875 root 1 95 0 512M 422M RUN 1 181:07 11.82% grep 83870 root 1 93 0 518M 424M RUN 1 139:15 10.87% grep 72681 root 1 96 0 512M 424M RUN 1 445:19 4.46% grep 29609 root 1 23 0 518M 393M pfault 2 24:56 4.14% grep 77378 root 1 21 0 512M 83M pfault 0 49:03 3.67% grep 40524 root 1 21 0 512M 73M pfault 0 37:07 3.58% grep 15487 root 1 23 0 512M 196M pfault 0 92:18 3.14% grep 70544 root 1 68 0 518M 416M pfault 0 37:18 2.81% grep 53575 root 1 23 0 518M 224M pfault 0 15:29 2.51% grep 96266 root 1 68 0 518M 423M pfault 0 164:41 2.47% grep 55409 root 1 23 0 512M 69M pfault 3 44:53 2.18% grep 34192 root 1 68 0 518M 423M pfault 0 126:20 1.54% grep
I can't see what's causing grep to do that much work and I'm going to start with disabling pfBlocker, but any other pointers would be valuable. Thanks!
If you think it might be pfBlocker, and grep is mishabaving, then you might be interested in what has been said in the pfBlocker pfSense support forum.
These was an issue, a couple of weeks ago, where grep would take ages to execute, and clog up all processor power.
However : that was solved with the latest version pfBlockerNG-devel 3.2.0_3. I guess the 'pfBlockerNG' (without de devel part) is also ok.If it's not pfBlocker , remove the big packages and see that the issue is gone..
Now, install one of them, and observe.
If it's safe - you found nothing, add another package. As soon as 'grep' comes back, you'll know what to stop using ;) -
You can probably see what it running those greps easily enough using ps. Like:
ps -auxwwd
@gertjan - I do know how to do the troubleshooting, I was just trying to avoid the 24 hours for each iteration but I'm sure it will help someone else if they're reading.
I had already updated pfBlocker but it looks like those processes were orphaned from before I updated the package. All seems to be fine now.