OPENVPN and builtin cert managment
I want to connect two pfsenses thru openVPN (port 443) and some other openvpn clients.
What I understand is that I can use pre shared key for point to point. But I want a client server mode.
How do we export cert key from the web interface?
I know how to generate a .cert fom the authority certificate server built in pfsense, but not the associated key.
I saw that I can use the same text to import an external cert in the cert and key field, but I'm afraid it's not the way to proceed.Regards,
M -
I answer to myself.
So I created a CA inside pfsense 1.3
Then a certificate for the openvpn server.
Configure the openvpn server thru the web interface.then I installed the optional pakage : "OpenVPN Client Export Utility".
To have active clients in the package, you need to create a pfsense built in user per client connection.
Then to create a certificate for the user in the user configuration page (you can the download the cert and its associated key).The esport utility is somewhat buggy so I corrected some code in one associated .inc :
/* Copyright (C) 2008 Shrew Soft Inc All rights reserved. Parts of this code was originally based on vpn_ipsec_sad.php Copyright (C) 2003-2004 Manuel Kasper Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: 1\. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 2\. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ require_once(""); function openvpn_client_export_install() { $tarpath = "/tmp/openvpn-client-export.tgz"; $phpfile = "vpn_openvpn_export.php"; $ovpndir = "/usr/local/share/openvpn"; $workdir = "{$ovpndir}/client-export"; if(!is_dir("/usr/local/share/openvpn")) mkdir("/usr/local/share/openvpn"); exec("/usr/bin/tar zxf {$tarpath} -C {$ovpndir}"); unlink($tarpath); rename("{$workdir}/{$phpfile}", "/usr/local/www/{$phpfile}"); } function openvpn_client_export_deinstall() { $phpfile = "vpn_openvpn_export.php"; $ovpndir = "/usr/local/share/openvpn"; $workdir = "{$ovpndir}/client-export"; unlink("/usr/local/www/{$phpfile}"); exec("/bin/rm -r {$workdir}"); } function openvpn_client_export_prefix($srvid) { global $config; // lookup server settings $settings = $config['openvpn']['openvpn-server'][$srvid]; if (empty($settings)) return false; if ($settings['disable']) return false; $host = $config['system']['hostname']; $prot = ($settings['protocol'] == 'UDP' ? 'udp' : "tcp-{$mode}"); $port = $settings['local_port']; return "{$host}-{$prot}-{$port}"; } function openvpn_client_pem_to_pk12($outpath, $outpass, $crtpath, $keypath, $capath = false) { if ($capath) exec("/usr/bin/openssl pkcs12 -export -in {$crtpath} -inkey {$keypath} -certfile {$capath} -out {$outpath} -passout pass:{$outpass}"); else exec("/usr/bin/openssl pkcs12 -export -in {$crtpath} -inkey {$keypath} -out {$outpath} -passout pass:{$outpass}"); unlink($crtpath); unlink($keypath); if ($capath) unlink($capath); } function openvpn_client_export_config($srvid, $usrid, $crtid, $useaddr, $usetoken) { global $config; // lookup server settings $settings = $config['openvpn']['openvpn-server'][$srvid]; if (empty($settings)) return false; if ($settings['disable']) return false; // lookup server certificate info $server_cert =& lookup_cert($settings['certref']); $server_ca =& lookup_ca($server_cert['caref']); if (!$server_cert || !$server_ca) return false; // lookup user info $user =& $config['system']['user'][$usrid]; if (!$user) return false; // determine basic variables if ($useaddr) { $interface = $settings['interface']; if (!$interface) $interface = 'WAN'; $iface = convert_friendly_interface_to_real_interface_name($interface); $lines = explode(' ', trim(shell_exec("ifconfig {$iface} | grep inet | grep -v inet6"))); $server_host = $lines[1]; } else $server_host = "{$config['system']['hostname']}.{$config['system']['domain']}"; $server_port = $settings['local_port']; $proto = ($settings['protocol'] == 'UDP' ? 'udp' : "tcp-client"); $cipher = $settings['crypto']; // add basic settings $conf = "dev tun\n"; $conf .= "persist-tun\n"; $conf .= "persist-key\n"; $conf .= "proto {$proto}\n"; $conf .= "cipher {$cipher}\n"; $conf .= "tls-client\n"; $conf .= "client\n"; $conf .= "resolv-retry infinite\n"; $conf .= "remote {$server_host} {$server_port}\n"; // add user auth settings switch($settings['mode']) { case 'server_user': case 'server_tls_user': $conf .= "auth-user-pass\n"; break; } // add key settings $prefix = openvpn_client_export_prefix($srvid); if ($usetoken) { $conf .= "ca {$prefix}-ca.crt\n"; $conf .= "cryptoapicert \"SUBJ:{$user['name']}\"\n"; } else { $conf .= "pkcs12 {$prefix}.p12\n"; } if ($settings['tls']) $conf .= "tls-auth {$prefix}-tls.key\n"; // add optional settings if ($settings['compression']) $conf .= "comp-lzo\n"; if ($settings['passtos']) $conf .= "passtos\n"; return $conf; } function openvpn_client_export_installer($srvid, $usrid, $crtid, $useaddr, $usetoken, $outpass) { global $config, $g; $ovpndir = "/usr/local/share/openvpn"; $workdir = "{$ovpndir}/client-export"; // lookup server settings $settings = $config['openvpn']['openvpn-server'][$srvid]; if (empty($settings)) return false; if ($settings['disable']) return false; // lookup server certificate info $server_cert =& lookup_cert($settings['certref']); $server_ca =& lookup_ca($server_cert['caref']); if (!$server_cert || !$server_ca) return false; // lookup user info $user =& $config['system']['user'][$usrid]; if (!$user) return false; // lookup user certificate info $cert =& $user['cert'][$crtid]; if (!$cert) return false; // create temp config directory $tempdir = $g['tmp_path']."/openvpn-export-".uniqid(); mkdir($tempdir, 0700, true); // copy the template directory exec("cp -r {$workdir}/template/* {$tempdir}"); // write cofiguration file $prefix = openvpn_client_export_prefix($srvid); $cfgfile = "{$tempdir}/config/{$prefix}-config.ovpn"; exec("/bin/mkdir {$tempdir}/config;"); $conf = openvpn_client_export_config($srvid, $usrid, $crtid, $useaddr, $usetoken); if (!$conf) return false; file_put_contents($cfgfile, $conf); // write key files $cafile = "{$tempdir}/config/{$prefix}-ca.crt"; file_put_contents($cafile, base64_decode($server_ca['crt'])); $crtfile = "{$tempdir}/config/{$prefix}-{$user['name']}.crt"; file_put_contents($crtfile, base64_decode($cert['crt'])); $keyfile = "{$tempdir}/config/{$prefix}-{$user['name']}.key"; file_put_contents($keyfile, base64_decode($cert['prv'])); if ($settings['tls']) { $tlsfile = "{$tempdir}/config/{$prefix}-tls.key"; file_put_contents($tlsfile, base64_decode($settings['tls'])); } // convert to pkcs12 format $p12file = "{$tempdir}/config/{$prefix}.p12"; if ($usetoken) openvpn_client_pem_to_pk12($p12file, $outpass, $crtfile, $keyfile); else openvpn_client_pem_to_pk12($p12file, $outpass, $crtfile, $keyfile, $cafile); // 7zip the configuration data chdir($tempdir); $files = "config/{$prefix}.p12 "; $files .= "config/{$prefix}-{$user['name']}.key "; $files .= "config/{$prefix}-{$user['name']}.crt "; $files .= "config/{$prefix}-tls.key "; $files .= "config/{$prefix}-ca.crt "; $files .= "config/{$prefix}-config.ovpn "; $files .= "procchain.exe "; $files .= "openvpn-install.exe "; $files .= "openvpn-postinstall.exe "; if ($usetoken) $files .= "procchain-import"; else $files .= "procchain-standard"; exec("/usr/local/libexec/p7zip/7z -y a archive.7z {$files}"); // create the final installer $outfile = "{$tempdir}-install.exe"; chdir($g['tmp_path']); exec("/bin/cat /dev/null > /dev/null"); if ($usetoken) exec("/bin/cat {$tempdir}/7zS.sfx {$tempdir}/config-import {$tempdir}/archive.7z > {$outfile}"); else exec("/bin/cat {$tempdir}/7zS.sfx {$tempdir}/config-standard {$tempdir}/archive.7z > {$outfile}"); // cleanup exec("/bin/rm -r {$tempdir}"); return $outfile; } ?>
and voilà,
now it seems to work like a charm.
If that can help people !!
I have sent the changes over to our dev list for approval.
In the future you might want to submit patches to us directly: