LAN side gateway traffic problem
Hello all,
I searched the forum and couldn't find this scenario already asked about. I am replacing a watchguard branded firewall that routes all traffic with no problem.
Pfsense 2.3.2_p1
LAN_GW: (routing to
I created a static route based on the above (and created the gateway). No policy based routing.I checked the box for "Bypass firewall rules for traffic on the same interface" option located under System > Advanced
Checking the firewall logs shows that no traffic to / from is blocked.I can ping and get successful traceroute results from my windows PC's to I can bring up webpages on other servers. By all accounts, routing appears to work fine.
We have a software package that connects using tcp 1600 on This software times out when PFsense is in place. If I put the original firewall back in, all starts working in a few seconds.
Software support says the logs indicate that the traffic is partially coming through, but appears to be cut off or blocked.
Any help is appreciated.
- GS
Draw your network. Please be thorough.
If you put a gateway on Interfaces > LAN that is almost certainly wrong. it needs to be defined in System > Routing, but not set on Interfaces > LAN.
Thanks for replying.
Under Interface-> LAN, I have no gateway.
I have 2 attachments, the network diagram and the screenshot of my static route.

Don't put hosts on the same subnet as routers. that creates an asymmetric routing situation.
Make a transit network interface on pfSense and put the router on that.
Pass the traffic you need to pass from the downstream networks on the transit interface.
I appreciate your time on answering this. The router @ I consider to be a "black box" that I cannot configure and will receive pushback in that the old firewall worked just fine.
I understand the asymmetric routing, though. I will try to get the responsible party to change the internal IP of the additional router so I can put it on the firewall as a separate network.
If they won't do that, then I guess it will be adding routes to each PC.
Or make a interface and put the PCs on that.
You can make it work but it's a crappy design and should just be fixed instead.