OpenVPN not working after Netgate 3100 upgraded to 23.01 from 22.5
Hello Team,
I have upgraded the firmware version from 22.5 to 23.01 today and the upgrade process went smooth without any issue.
But all our existing OpenVPN connections not working after this upgrade. Even I tried to recreate OpenVPN server/client etc., but no use.
When I run the client it struck at "Mon Apr 3 18:59:24 2023 Attempting to establish TCP connection with ".What are my options to resolve this? Shall I go restore the 22.5 version again with the backup.xml file?
Ram. -
@rdatla Did you apply the recommended patches in System Patches? There is specifically a patch for linker files on 3100. Or as a (the same fix) workaround run "kldxref /boot/kernel" in SSH or Diagnostics/Command Line.
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