We are planing to setup the pfSense software firewall
@vigneshp said in We are planing to setup the pfSense software firewall:
What is that exactly?
Did you mean Mbps ?
S stephenw10 moved this topic from Problems Installing or Upgrading TNSR Software on
@johnpoz Yes, typing error, Mbps internet fiber connection.
@vigneshp https://docs.netgate.com/pfsense/en/latest/hardware/size.html
There is not one answer to your question.
- how active are the 300 users?
- will you be running any packages?
- what speed is desired for the VPN?
- what kind of VPN...IPSec/OpenVPN/other?
- is this location hosting any Internet-accessible servers?
- etc.
@steveits how active are the 300 users? i don't know the idea clearly.
will you be running any packages? there's no packages particular.
what speed is desired for the VPN? like primary line 100Mbps
what kind of VPN...IPSec/OpenVPN/other? Site to Site VPN
is this location hosting any Internet-accessible servers? No -
@steveits if any possible to connected in to the pfSense software wise? is support 250 or 300 users?
@vigneshp We use pfSense in our data center (web hosting for our clients) and our office and have quite a lot of traffic. The software is not an issue for 300 users or 100 Mbps. The hardware needs to be correctly sized as the connection speed increases or more is done on the router's CPU, for instance Snort, traffic monitoring, VLANs, VPN, etc.
@steveits if this support in to this hardware (HP Ethernet 1Gb 4-port-331T Adapter)? with CPU hardware (Intel Core i5,8GB RAM,500GB NVME SSD,)?
@vigneshp said in We are planing to setup the pfSense software firewall:
is support 250 or 300 users?
There is no user limit like that in pfSense. The limits you might hit are total connections and total throughput. But with 130Mbps total bandwidth available you will not hit a throughput limit. Certainly not with that hardware.
@stephenw10 i got it, thank you so much!. if any doubts will let you know.