No WAN connectivity
My ISP had an outage on Friday which was eventually fixed by the end of the day. However, Pfsense still did not work, gave me no internet connectivity. I switched to my backup router just to make sure, and yes, the backup router does have internet and works perfectly.
So I switched back to Pfsense, rebooted, rebooted again multiple times after having my ISP send the reset signal to my modem, still nothing. Finally in desperation I reset back to factory defaults (WAN is DHCP, not static), and still I get total packet loss on pings, traceroutes, and gateway status is forever "pending".
What do I need to do to get Pfsense working again? The troubleshooting network connectivity section of the documentation did not help.
@beatgeek Check the status of the dpinger service.
It has a red X, stopped. When I clicked 'start', it still comes back with a red X. -
The related log entries, (Status/System Logs/System/Gateways) shows:
dpinger 54575 WAN_DHCP sendto error: 65 -
What gateway are you being passed by the ISP? No route error like that implies it might be outside the WAN subnet. There's a advanced gateway setting for allowing a gateway like that: 'use non-local gateway'. If that's what is happening.