Unable to carry traffic back and forth between WAN and LAN
I am running pfSense 2.6.0 as an EXSi 6.7 VM on a Dell PowerEdge R520. I do get a DHCP resolution on the WAN side and can access the web GUI. Just no traffic between the two. One weird things the WAN address I have on the console does not match the WAN address on the web. With the difference being in the 3rd octet says 1 on the console and 0 on the web. Tried changing the WAN address on the web GUI to match the console and doesn't help. Not sure what I am doing wrong. Just let you know I might have some delay on any feed back from your suggestions. I have to take unhook everything from the old router I am using right now to the pfsense get it setup to try the sugestion. If a no go then hook everying back to the old so I can get outside my network. Could this be the I am using a VM. I have other successful deployments using a VM.
@revcoyote Are the WAN and LAN public or private IPs?
The GUI is not normally accessible on WAN since WAN has no firewall rules by default. If open to the world expect lots of hack attempts.
does not match the WAN address on the web
…meaning a find my IP site? Then perhaps you’re not connected how you think you are. Try a traceroute to see the path.
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That ^.
It sounds like you may be confusing the WAN and LAN addresses. The webgui will be accessible on both the WAN and LAN IP addresses from a client on the LAN side.
All traffic inbound on the WAN side is blocked by default.Steve