Upgrade to 23.01 resulted in no internet access
A bad or missing default route would fit what you describe there.
If you have multiple gateways configured make sure the WAN is set as default in System > Routing.
@stephenw10 Sometimes....
Thanks for the suggestion. The default route reverts back to automatic. In my case this is an problem as my ipv6 connection does not support outgoing traffic. -
Better to disable IPv6 entirely then. Otherwise, if it's a real IPv6 address, pfSense will attempt to use it and clients behind it may also if they are passed valid IPv6.
But the v4 gateway should be set to the WAN_GW. It should not revert to automatic.
@stephenw10 as i reverted back (boot environment), i can confirm that after reading your suggestion, that my default route was set to my ipv4 gateway. After the upgrade it reverted to automatic. After manualy changing it to my ipv4 connection everything worked as expected.
I've only done some very limited testing to this as 22.05 works fine. But my experience is the same as above, after upgrade to 23.01 all network connectivity fails. I tested again and it seems to select "Automatic" as default route even though I select WAN_GW. It always goes back to Automatic and I haven no internet.
I can also mention that I have several VTI tunnels, so I am assuming it choses one of those as the default route instead.
I do not utilize IPv6 and have it entirely disabled.
Hmm, odd. Maybe the gateway name changed so the old gateway was no longer available? I've never seen that though.
@stephenw10 i would not expect this behaviour.... as this is an in place upgrade nothing has changed prior or after the upgrade... (name scheme appears the same)
Hmm, well I have no idea why it would revert to automatic at upgrade, I've not seen that, but you should be able to set it to the correct gateway again and it should remain.
@najm, I realized after applying the upgrade, that the MAC address of the WAN VLAN changed. In my case, this does not allow me to connect with my ISP because my connection is linked to one MAC address. My problem is that I cannot find where to change the MAC address as it was allowed in the previous version.
You can spoof the MAC address on the VLAN parent interface. So assign/enable that, if it is not already, and apply the MAC there.