Interface Assignments not showing all ports
New Netgate 2100 system - First configuration not working as intended.
The device I have has 4 ports available (excluding the WAN). When looking at interface assignments I am only showing WAN and LAN. Why cant I see the other ports even though they are showing on the main dashboard page.
My intention is to set each port with a separate IP range and allow DHCP for each port to segregate the networks.I have attempted to setup VLANs (3 x factory reset) per each port and use DHCP, but I never get the range I am looking for, only the default range for the system is found.
What am I missing?
Thanks for your help.
Joe -
It's because the LAN1-4 ports are connected internally via a switch. To use each port separately they must be configured as such using VLANs: you have any problems with that or need to import an existing config dircetly open a ticket with us:
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@stephenw10 Thank you very much.. This will help me get things going.
Have a great day!