hardware comparison r210ii vs r620
Hey guys, so, I'm looking to get the most bang for my buck here. I've got 2 rack mount 1u systems. 1 is a Dell r210ii (I'm currently running PfSense on this machine). BUT, I'm also getting ready to migrate over a bunch of new hardware and networking gear. I also happen to have laying around, an r620. With 32Gb of non-ecc ram (the 210 has 8gn non ecc. The 210 has an e3 1220 in it, the 620 has an e5-2643, but I have several other options to choose from, and am leaning towards a lower power CPU like the e5-2630L v2 or the e5-2697 v2 and a bunch in between)... Anyway, thinking either going ultra low power consumption (40w CPU vs the current 80w one) or, stay in the same power range but add CPU power.
Is there a point to a faster CPU? More ram (I don't use the 8gb on the 210ii now). Is there anything to gain? Would this be worth it if it cost anything? (Assuming it's worth it if it's free?)
@menethoran What bandwidth do you have? Any packages? I’d eyeball the Netgate shop site and look for comparable CPUs.
Bare in mind that an 80W TDP CPU does not use anywhere near 80W most of the time. You will not see a 40W saving by swapping it out for a 40W TDP CPU. Both of those server are probably pretty hungry beasts whatever CPU they are running.
@stephenw10 are there any bare metal out of the box recommendations that have at least 3 ethernet ports?
@menethoran store.netgate.com have excellent selections and help support the project