How would my public IP change to a RCF1918 address?
I just noticed my WAN Gateway IP on the dashboard is a RFC1918 ip address, as the modem internal ip). How is is possible that this changed from its public IP?
I have ATT Fiber -> PON -> ATT Modem/router (in IP Passthrough mode) -> pfSense.
It has always show the public IP address in the WAN Gateway, until sometime recently. I have logged in to the ATT modem and it is configured properly, at least as they say it should be to pass through.
I've checked the Gateway settings in pfSense and cant see anything wrong..
@ar15usr That's between you and your ISP - they need to give you a public IP -- perhaps bridging mode?
Also upgrade from 2.4.5p1 -- there are many security and bug fixes since that release was put out in 2020.
Usually when that happens it's because the modem lost sync and started handing out IPs in it's own subnet. It does that so you can access it for diagnosis but causes problems for connected routers. You can set the WAN to refuse IP addresses from that IP.
Ok got it sorted.. The "IP Passthrough" state wasn't being recognized on ATT's end, and had to be reset by them to get it to apply, even though I rebooted it on my end. Thats what they tell me anyhow...
I suspect a resent power outage we had somehow messed its configuration and reset it or something.. A theory anyway...
Thanks for the responses all, much appreciated.
Also upgrade from 2.4.5p1 --
Outdated signature.. fixed now. thanks..