pfsense plus - Gigaset IP handsets remote pbx connect but no voice either direction - help...
Hi All,
Having a few issues getting our Gigaset handsets to work with pfsense. We recently moved from watchguard to pfsense and whilst pretty much everything else is rosy our phone system is not.
It's a very simple affair with 4 IP handsets connected to one base station. The base station is on it's own vlan with unrestricted access out to the internet. Our provider is OrbTalk who says everything on their end seems to be working fine. The phones register fine and we can make calls to external phones and customers can ring us but both ways there is no voice at all, complete dead silence both ways.
The bases station has a static IP and when I look at states summary there seems to be estatblished traffic.
Can anyone hopefully point me in the right direction please... I can't understand why there is no voice when the connection seems to have established.
Thanks John
Does it work as expected if you call between internal extensions?
In situations like this it's almost always because the PBX is sending it's internal IP address for external devices to connect to with RTP and that of course fails. However that doesn't prevent outgoing audio normally.
What states do you see to and from the base-station when the call is connected but no audio is passed?