Game downloads non-functional even after Factory Defaults reset
I feel like this is mainly something that I'm just missing and have been stupid on, but is there anything that the Factory Defaults doesn't reset?
While trying to remove IPv6 on my LAN, I ended up removing my ability to download games through Steam, Epic Games Store, etc. In an attempt to restore the functionality of downloading games, I reset back to factory defaults, but I'm still having issues with getting my games to download.
As an explanation, I was trying to remove IPv6 out of an attempt to see if something was circumventing my DNS to my LANCache, which despite being the only DNS configured on my pfSense, was avoiding the cache entirely. I may have figured out the issue with that, though considering even setting the DNS in Windows has not resolved the issue while behind the pfSense, I currently have no idea of whether that's the case (even using Steam's new client-client download feature, it doesn't work currently).
@theredherring said in Game downloads non-functional even after Factory Defaults reset:
I was trying to remove IPv6 out of an attempt to see if something was circumventing my DNS to my LANCache, which despite being the only DNS configured on my pfSense, was avoiding the cache entirely.
Sounds as if you had a device using another DNS service other than pfSense. So, you're not using pfBlockerNG the address for the game download is an IPv6 or IPv4? You need a firewall rule to force all device on your LAN net to use pfSense for DNS. Not sure why a factory reset didn't resolve your issue.
@NollipfSense Correct, I'm using AdGuard and LANCache-DNS rather than using pfBlockerNG or anything else within pfSense.
Turned out the factory reset not fixing it and things not going at all was my stupidity (missed an IP while moving things across, though how it worked in the short term originally makes me is leaving me puzzled). So I've now got base configuration working where it'll run and connect and everything, but it's still skipping over the cache.
Based on that rule, I take it that I'm forcing everything to go to the DNS regardless of whether it needs to go to the DNS if it's hitting the router? Is there not a way to do this without setting up a rule for it? I'd have assumed putting it in the DNS Servers box would have meant that it used that as it's DNS server, and that setting it to obtain the DNS server automatically in Windows would have meant it pulled the DNS server from the pfSense?
@TheRedHerring Ah but devices go around DNS with DOH.Browsers use it by default. I’ve one device that requires it.
This is an overly detailed guide but may help with blocking other DNS if that’s your goal: