what are ng0 to ng14 interfaces?
Did not see them before ... strange.
What are these interfaces, where do they come from, who creates them?
Funny, after booting 2 times the interfaces are gone... ???
Those are netgraph interfaces https://man.freebsd.org/cgi/man.cgi?netgraph(4)
Thank you. But why do they seem to come and go, or be visible and invisible? -
They would not normally be visible. Netgraph interfaces are renamed after they have been created in most situations.
So possibly you have a script that is failing before it renames the interface and never removes it.
What interface types do you have? Most commonly it's used for PPPoE.
There are 1xPPP, 1xPPPoE, 1xDHCP, some VLAN, some "normal" interfaces, OpenVPN Server & Client (LAN to LAN) and WireGuard interfaces. -
Then I'd guess it's PPPoE failing to connect/disconnect correctly. Have you noticed that failing at all?
OK. I understand. The pppoe device was disconnected at that time. No cable. But it doesn't always happen. -
If the link was down but pfSense was repeatedly trying to connect that could explain it. Though it still shouldn't happen.
Strange things can happen. Computers...