Host Overrides on DNS Resolver Does Not Seem To Work
I have had the DNS resolver running (Host Overrides) for a year or more with no issues, but for several months, I have noticed that the host names/domains are not forwarding internally. Is there a good way to check this? The Resolver setting should not changed so I am curious what other rules or NAT could affect this. I do no believe I have added anything significant, but am not sure where to even start. The only packages I have installed are Wireguard, pfblocker-ng, openvpn, iperf, and watchdog.
Edit: Using the PING feature under Diagnostics, PFSense can ping these local devices successfully and returns the IP address. I am assuming it is not going out externally. Really baffled whey this is not working any longer.
Edit 2: I tried on my Window and Linux OS but the same issue persists. I can PING the addresses in terminal or the command prompt and get a successful response, not just through pfsense. No browser allows me to resolve those targets though. I also have two different Duckdns addresses (for two different machines) so it is more than one. I can hit them perfectly fine from outside of the network.
@kn4thx you mentioned DNS to start. To what is the DNS query resolving and what are you expecting? pfSense won’t resolve private IPs by default but you can set up a domain or host override.
@SteveITS Thanks, it was the Host Overrides.
I am not sure how it changed, and it just occurred to me to check, but my Firefox settings had DNS over HTTPS enabled again. I am not sure how that happened, but I turned it off on both systems and the DNS Resolver Host Overrides work perfectly.
@kn4thx this might help with the DoH: