Routing not working for additional public IPs
@cubits It should be. If the inbound traceroutes use different paths, maybe your ISP is not routing your entire /24 block to you?
@SteveITS It should be very well correct. It is just one IP in the subnet and other users might be using other IPs from the same subnet.
@SteveITS how to get around this?
@cubits said in Routing not working for additional public IPs:
other users might be using other IPs from the same subnet.
? They can't if it's your subnet. Are these only two unrelated/not-consecutive IPs and not a subnet block? I suppose that would work but the inbound routing still needs to go through the same router as your original IP, to get to you.
@SteveITS just wanted to confirm that, and that's exactly what I thought about it, at least it should route new IP until the original IP, I will contact them and discuss further and post back later.
@SteveITS spoke to the network engineer from ISP and he asked to place a switch between wan and pfsense, and connect them to separate NIC as the whole block of IP is not forwarded. I have orderd the hardware and will test and let know here.
@SteveITS I have updated my setup like below. I had to use a router as both IPs since they are on the same subnet couldnt be used in the PFSENSE. As it is now, I can ping the router default gateway from within PFSENSE, but not from my LAN or by any OpenVPN client.
@cubits Hmm, that shouldn't be necessary. One can't have the same subnet on two physical interfaces, but aliases should work fine:
@SteveITS we discussed this already, ISP does not forward the entire block, but only has two IPs which I have to statically assign to some NIC, so virtual IP does not work.
@cubits we did, too many threads, sorry. Itโs an uncommon situation to be sure.