About "PHP error when attempting to bulk import Alias content" fixed in 23.05.01
I must the luckiest person on the planet, today for the first time I am trying to bulk import aliases (23.05) and hit the bug mentioned in the subject (https://redmine.pfsense.org/issues/14412). Performed a searched and relieved it is fixed in 23.05.1, so I upgraded and rebooted with high expectations whilst I went to the fridge to grab a well deserved beer.
Well the beer went warm as my device never went back up, all I had was the serial console, no ssh, no webif, and no routes, so no internet.
Just to let you know, perform a restore of a config file that you have before you had the bug after the upgrade.......Then restart again
Instructions on the changelog could be more explicit about this.
J jimp moved this topic from Problems Installing or Upgrading pfSense Software on
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