upgrading from 2.7.0 release to 23.05.1 plus
Hi everyone,
I am new to pfsense (leaving my Sonicwall TZ600 behind) and love the flexibility of pfsense. I initially setup an instance of pfsense on a VMware esxi host, to test it and everything went well, so I purchased a fanless PC. However, this had the new Intel i226-V chipset, so the IMG of pfsense 2.6.0 wouldn't install as it didn't support the chipset.
I did find that the daily snapshot of 2.7.0a development IMG did support the chipset, and as such I have been running that version on my hardware, successfully
When I was still testing using the VM machine, I upgraded to pfsense plus (23.05) and that went well, so once I had the physical unit up and running on 2.7.0a development, I then upgraded that to plus. However, I then lost my network interfaces, as I am guessing 23.05 was based on 2.6.0....... so had to go back to 2.7.0a development.
Now that 2.7.0 release has been made available, I have now successfully upgraded my unit to this and I am now contemplating upgrading this further to 23.05.1 plus.
Can anyone confirm whether the Plus version 23.05.1 is based on pfsense 2.7.0 and that it will support the Intel i226-V chipset? Hopefully the answer is yes, and that 23.05.1 will then install without a hitch.
I am debating whether to purchase a 2nd unit that I can use in the future for testing new versions on, but the seller is away until 31st July and I would rather get the exact same hardware as my current one.
I have looked at the release notes for 23.05.1 but cannot see any mention of hardware support (unless I have missed it
Thanks in advance.
@unclepips said in upgrading from 2.7.0 release to 23.05.1 plus:
Can anyone confirm whether the Plus version 23.05.1 is based on pfsense 2.7.0 and that it will support the Intel i226-V chipset? Hopefully the answer is yes, and that 23.05.1 will then install without a hitch.
From my knowledge pfsense Plus 23.05, 23.05.1 and 2.7.0 CE share the same underlying operating system - FreeBSD 14.0-CURRENT and that is what counts when it comes to support certain hardware. So your Intel i226-V chipset should be supported in 23.05, 23.05.1 and 2.7.0 CE
Hope that helps,
fireodo -
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@fireodo thank you
Yes, I would have expected 23.05 to support that if a 2.7a snapshot did.
23.05.1 has the same hardware support the 23.05 did so I wouldn't expect it to behave any differently there.
@stephenw10 thank you.