Strange issue in correlation of newwanip (
Hi, me again,
today I made a change to a wireless interface that made rc.newwanip to run. This was around 15:22 (local time). As you can see in the screenshot the temperature measuring stopped. After restarting GUI and Webconfigurator on the CLI you can see at ca. 16:15 the temperature measuring working again.
My only clou is that it has something to do with rc.newwanip when it is running from GUI environment.EDIT: I made a test: running rc.newwanip from GUI CLI - temperature measuring stops, running rc.newwanip from Console CLi - temperature measuring works again. The other monitoring (Quality, Memory, Processor) are not affected ...
EDIT 2: After some observation it seams to be generated by the way is rebuild ... (This is replicable in 23.05.1 and 2.7.0 CE and it affects only temperatue monitoring)
Maybe some of the coders could tell more ...
fireodo -
Hmm, curious. The thermal data is collected by /var/db/rrd/ the same as the other data.
Check that it's running still. Check that the thermal sensors are still in the script.
How exactly are you running rc.newwanip?
What do you see logged when you run it?
@stephenw10 said in Strange issue in correlation of newwanip:
How exactly are you running rc.newwanip?
/etc/rc.newwanip on GUI CLI or
/etc/rc.newwanip on CLI on console or
started by reconfiguration script of an interfaceWhat do you see logged when you run it?
This is when I reconfigurated the WiFi interface:Jul 6 15:22:47 php 95365 lcdproc: Start client procedure. Error counter: (0) Jul 6 15:22:44 php_pfb 83409 [pfBlockerNG] filterlog daemon started Jul 6 15:22:44 tail_pfb 82986 [pfBlockerNG] Firewall Filter Service started Jul 6 15:22:44 lighttpd_pfb 81487 [pfBlockerNG] DNSBL Webserver started Jul 6 15:22:43 php_pfb 79353 [pfBlockerNG] filterlog daemon stopped Jul 6 15:22:43 lighttpd_pfb 79041 [pfBlockerNG] DNSBL Webserver stopped Jul 6 15:22:43 tail_pfb 79013 [pfBlockerNG] Firewall Filter Service stopped Jul 6 15:22:42 xinetd 32785 Reconfigured: new=0 old=1 dropped=0 (services) Jul 6 15:22:42 xinetd 32785 readjusting service 19000-tcp Jul 6 15:22:42 xinetd 32785 Swapping defaults Jul 6 15:22:42 xinetd 32785 Starting reconfiguration Jul 6 15:22:42 php-fpm 83883 /rc.start_packages: Restarting/Starting all packages. Jul 6 15:22:41 check_reload_status 2364 Starting packages Jul 6 15:22:41 php-fpm 13437 /interfaces.php: Generiere RRD Update Script Jul 6 15:22:41 check_reload_status 2364 Reloading filter Jul 6 15:22:41 php-fpm 13437 /interfaces.php: Statische Route für Monitor wird entfernet und eine neue Route über hinzugefügt Jul 6 15:22:41 php-fpm 13437 /interfaces.php: Neusynchronisierung von OpenVPN-Instanzen für die Schnittstelle WIFI. Jul 6 15:22:39 check_reload_status 2364 updating dyndns opt1 Jul 6 15:22:39 check_reload_status 2364 Restarting IPsec tunnels
You don't actually see rc.newwanip logged? Like:
Jul 6 16:47:25 php-cgi 73825 rc.newwanip: rc.newwanip: Info: starting on . Jul 6 16:47:25 php-cgi 73825 rc.newwanip: rc.newwanip: on (IP address: (interface: WAN[wan]) (real interface: ix3). Jul 6 16:47:25 check_reload_status 1155 Carp backup event Jul 6 16:47:25 kernel carp: 1@ix3: MASTER -> INIT (hardware interface up) Jul 6 16:47:25 kernel carp: 1@ix3: INIT -> BACKUP (initialization complete) Jul 6 16:47:25 check_reload_status 1155 Carp backup event Jul 6 16:47:25 kernel gre0: link state changed to DOWN Jul 6 16:47:25 kernel gre0: link state changed to UP Jul 6 16:47:25 kernel gif0: link state changed to DOWN Jul 6 16:47:25 kernel gif0: link state changed to UP Jul 6 16:47:26 php-fpm 69339 /rc.carpbackup: HA cluster member "( (WAN)" has resumed CARP state "BACKUP" for vhid 1 Jul 6 16:47:26 php-fpm 11883 /rc.carpbackup: HA cluster member "( (WAN)" has resumed CARP state "BACKUP" for vhid 1 Jul 6 16:47:26 ppp 38099 [opt1_link0] PPPoE connection timeout after 9 seconds Jul 6 16:47:26 ppp 38099 [opt1_link0] Link: DOWN event Jul 6 16:47:26 ppp 38099 [opt1_link0] LCP: Down event Jul 6 16:47:26 ppp 38099 [opt1_link0] Link: reconnection attempt 6760 in 2 seconds Jul 6 16:47:27 rc.gateway_alarm 8018 >>> Gateway alarm: VTI0_VTIV4 (Addr: Alarm:1 RTT:0ms RTTsd:0ms Loss:100%) Jul 6 16:47:27 check_reload_status 1155 updating dyndns VTI0_VTIV4 Jul 6 16:47:27 check_reload_status 1155 Restarting IPsec tunnels Jul 6 16:47:27 check_reload_status 1155 Restarting OpenVPN tunnels/interfaces Jul 6 16:47:27 check_reload_status 1155 Reloading filter Jul 6 16:47:27 kernel gre0: link state changed to DOWN Jul 6 16:47:27 kernel gre0: link state changed to UP Jul 6 16:47:27 php-cgi 73825 rc.newwanip: Gateway, none 'available' for inet6, use the first one configured. 'WAN_DHCP6' Jul 6 16:47:27 check_reload_status 1155 Reloading filter Jul 6 16:47:28 check_reload_status 1155 Carp master event Jul 6 16:47:28 kernel carp: 1@ix3: BACKUP -> MASTER (master timed out) Jul 6 16:47:28 php-fpm 27932 /rc.openvpn: Gateway, none 'available' for inet6, use the first one configured. 'WAN_DHCP6' Jul 6 16:47:28 php-fpm 27932 /rc.openvpn: OpenVPN: One or more OpenVPN tunnel endpoints may have changed IP addresses. Reloading endpoints that may use VTI0_VTIV4.
Does it do it when you run it against a particular interface? Which is how rc.newwanip is usually run.
@stephenw10 said in Strange issue in correlation of newwanip:
Does it do it when you run it against a particular interface? Which is how rc.newwanip is usually run.
It dont make any difference if it runs against a particular interface or not - but it does make a difference if it is running in the CLI on the GUI or in the CLI on the console ...
EDIT: I guess I found something - using the native english GUI the problem does not occur (I am using the german translation)
Maybe launching newwanip from the GUI is generating a faulty time/date format (language specific) and launching it from console makes the correct time/date format ... guessing ...
Ah, that seems familiar.... hmmm
No errors logged?
This perhaps?
Though rc.newwanip should never normally be run from there.
@stephenw10 said in Strange issue in correlation of newwanip:
No errors logged?
No errors logged ...
This perhaps?
Could be a approach ...
Ok so, to be clear, if you run rc.newwanip manually via Diag > Command Prompt and you have the system language set to soemthing other than the default (English) then the thermal sensors stop logging RRD data?
Any other method calling rc.newwanip does not?
@stephenw10 said in Strange issue in correlation of newwanip:
Ok so, to be clear, if you run rc.newwanip manually via Diag > Command Prompt and you have the system language set to soemthing other than the default (English) then the thermal sensors stop logging RRD data?
Correct! That are my findings until now. (I <guess> its in the way that is rebuilded ... </guess>
Any other method calling rc.newwanip does not?
Yes that is correct too! (at the ssh console cli)
Ok did you test with any other language selected other than German? (or English)
@stephenw10 said in Strange issue in correlation of newwanip:
Ok did you test with any other language selected other than German? (or English)
Only German and English