Pfsense upgradation issues - 2.7
Hi all,
I am trying to upgrade the pfsense from 2.6 -->2.7 and then the packages (like haproxy) were not installed. Hence I did manual installation of packages and then I am unable to start the services from services section. Now I am unable to go back to 2.6 as well because it says me to upgrade to latest version i.e 2.7. Has anyone experienced the similar problems? Please suggest.
Only HAProxy or other packages?
You can reinstall 2.6. Just be sure to set the 2.6 update branch before you install any packages.
I noticed with haproxy may be other packages like openvpn also.
@stephenw10 : I rolled back to 2.6 and then tried to install packages, but then it says to upgrade pfsense to the last version i.e 2.7. I cannot install 2.6 anymore. -
You have to set the repo branch to 2.6 in System > Update > Update Settings. Otherwise it will default to 'Latest Stable' which is 2.7. Since 2.7 is built on FreeBSD 14 packages there will not install in 2.6.
@stephenw10 : Is there anyway that I can upgrade to 2.7 with haproxy working
@1s440 --- I'd been holding back on upgrading from 2.6 to 2.7 but today decided to give it a shot. The upgrade went smoothly and probably took less than 5 minutes. I use haproxy and rely heavily on reverse proxies. The upgrade took less than 5 minutes and haproxy works fine. I'm not sure what your problem could be but good luck resolving it. I can say that 2.7 and haproxy work well together. Also, I'm using haproxy-devel version.
@slimypizza : Thats great to hear, May I know if you have uninstalled packages and installed again ? Which FREE BSD version you were using for 2.6 ?
I tried to import config from old to version 2.6 -- now haproxy and some other packages were not installed automatically and i tried to install haproxy packages on 2.6 and then updated to 2.7 and have issues. when i try to start the haproxy manually i have the below warning
/usr/local/etc/rc.d/haproxy: warning /usr/local/etc/haproxy.conf not readable
/usr/local/etc/rc.d/haproxy: failed precmd routine for haproxy -
@1s440 - I have not uninstalled then installed packages again. Maybe doing so you have a corrupted package (or packages) in your config that is causing issues. It might be that your only recourse is to install 2.7 from scratch