No internet access
I have a Netgate 3100 with Pfsense installed. I had Internet connection but a few days ago it became more unstable and now I have no access through my computer. I followed this guide:
I tried to ping and it was failing.
I then turned to Gateways but they seem fine.
The wan is also ok
What else is there to check?
I have reset pfsense to factory default.
@robato said in No internet access:
I then turned to Gateways but they seem fine.
This is just the state of gateway monitoring.
You're monitoring a private IP, so this is presumably your ISP router. But obviously nothing can go through it, since pings to are failing.
BTW: you set this or another public IP for monitoring the internet connection in the gateway settings.Connect you computer directly to the ISP router and try to ping an outside address.
@viragomann Thanks for your reply! Yes the gateway is to my router which has Internet access. If I connect my computer to the router everything works fine. When I go through pfsense the is no Internet access.
@robato Try doing a tracert to This will tell us if it fails at the 3100 or the ISP router.
Also it would be helpful to know if the status lights on the ethernet ports of both devices are lit up, what color they are, and if they are blinking or solid.
Your interface settings above show, that you have set on both, WAN and LAN interface. This cannot work.
If you ISP router hands out this subnet configure another on LAN, e.g. -
@viragomann Good catch. I looked right over that.
@viragomann That is correct but I haven't changed anything. This is factory default, I'll look into it.
Maybe your ISP router changed its LAN subnet after an update or whatever.In fact pfSense as well as any other device is not able to route if there are the same network ranges defined on WAN and LAN.
Thanks for your help, now it works!
@robato You may want to change the IP used for the monitoring the gateway as well. This way when your internet connection goes down, but not he ISP router, it will reflect the correct status. You could use google or cloud flares DNS servers ( or