Legacy Upgrade to new hardware 32 Bit 2.3.4 p1 to 64bit 2.7.0
Hi All,
Is there a specific KB to follow.
I have attempted this - old hardware was 32bit - new hardware 64 bit.
I've renamed all the Interface prefixes and the Config from the old 2.3.4 loads fine - there are some missing Certs and the certificate on the webconfig had to be turned off - I can see some of the VPN connections and certs will need re-doing.Doing it without the original connectivity I've resolved by using VM's with VLANS etc ..
You should be able to import that config without issue. If the certs have expired have been invalidated they would need to be recreated, yes.
Thanks Steven,
It looks as I;ve I've been successful with renaming the interfaces etc .. in XML from old to new.
Is there anyway of going back to installing missing packages after the fact?
You can simply restore the config again now it connected. Or just install the packages. The config will have been retained.