Site-to-Site with routing Internet traffic
I've established IPSec VPN tunnel using this tutorial:'ve added as many P2 as I have vlans on site B. All is working fine, every site B vlan can access lan on site A.
Then I've added routing Internet traffic through IPSec tunnel using this tutorial: is working fine, except I can't access webgui of pfsense site B from any vlan on site B.
There are more strange things. I have dhcp server using Pfsense on site B for every vlan, dhcp server is working fine.
But I can't access webgui from any vlan on site B...I've started to check what's wrong and when Pfsense can't ping its vlans addresses by itself.
for example pfsense vlan 150 has ip, when I'm logged into pfsense, it's can't ping his own ip.
I'm unable to establish communication between vlans on site B also.Can someone point me what's I'm doing wrong??