Watchguard XTM 5 Series
I never installed pfsense on this machine, I installed a voip pbx based on centos7, installed flashrom and flashed xtm5_83.rom
From there, display says "pfsense v1.8" or so.... -
Yeah, it's hardcoded in the BIOS module. To remind you to install pfSense.
So can't I modify the .rom file directly ?
That's not what I did. I opened the rom file, extracted the module, hex-edited it then reinserted the module. It was years ago though and pretty much the first time I'd tried anything like that so there may well be a better way now.
Well, I don't understand the part "extract" the module from .rom file, which software to do it ?
@waterwall said in Watchguard XTM 5 Series:
The MMTool program is used to extract/insert/replace individual modules within the BIOS
A little step ahead....
MMtool shows me various modules, which one is related to LCD string ?? -
@Xerox said in Watchguard XTM 5 Series:
@waterwall said in Watchguard XTM 5 Series:
The MMTool program is used to extract/insert/replace individual modules within the BIOS
A little step ahead....
MMtool shows me various modules, which one is related to LCD string ??Found, it's module 1B
Nice. That took me literally weeks the first time I tried it!
@stephenw10 It always helps when someone else has paved the way to give pointers in where to look. Pretty sure I remember you giving some pretty good instructions on how you did it that I followed long ago. Or just knowing what to search for or something. I haven't modified the BIOS on this thing in forever. Still runs like a champ after all these years. Granted, I did upgrade to a Core2Quad @ 2.8GHz, 8GB RAM, and 2 SSDs which probably helped a good bit too. Surprisingly, it runs cool and quiet in the living room.
Nice to know it can run on 8GB despite Lanner manual says max 4GB
Is it achievable with bios mod or simply supported by chipset ? -
Just supported by the chipset. None of the BIOS mods went that deep.
@Xerox I can't remember if the system was picky about the RAM modules, but I think I just used some out of the PC I pulled the CPU out of.
Also to note, I apparently have a slightly different version that has all the needed connections for dual hard drives. Had to hack a plastic 3.5" to dual 2.5" adapter to fit them inside. Don't recall if I ever added pictures of that to this thread or not, but pretty sure my serial port mod is here. -
@mcdonnjd RAM choice is very picky. For Intel CPU generation of this era, the only RAM that will allow 8Gb is called High Density. It appears to be quite rare and expensive if it does appear on fleabay. Watch out for the RAM advertised as High Density but is specific to AMD CPU, this wont work. I've not been able to find some that Im willing to pay for. Last I found, the seller wanted 100€ for it and its not worth that any more IMO. 4Gb has always been plenty for me
@CodeJACK Hmmm... Maybe it didn't come out of the PC the CPU came from then. Pretty sure the CPU came from one of our HP office machines and I doubt they had anything special. I'd have to check the shelf at work to see if I still have any of it. Think I did have some extra that I kept on the shelf, but I don't remember as it's been many years since I did this and I think I've finally gotten rid of the DDR2. (I probably documented what RAM I used earlier in the thread, but probably not where I scavenged it from.)
Hi all ,
I am attempting to rebuild the coretemp.ko module to fix the issue with Xeons and wrong temperatures.
I have run into a problem. How do I fix this error message?
KLD coretemp2.ko: depends on kernel - not available or version mismatch
linker_load_file: ./coretemp2.ko - unsupported file typeI downloaded and built it again FreeBSD 14 Alpha 3
How do I proceed?
Kernel modules usually require the exact kernel to load against (or very close to it). Does the module load against your build box?
You will need either the actual pfSense kernel source or a closer FreeBSD version.
@stephenw10 said in Watchguard XTM 5 Series:
Kernel modules usually require the exact kernel to load against (or very close to it). Does the module load against your build box?
You will need either the actual pfSense kernel source or a closer FreeBSD version.
Where can I get Freebsd 14 Current?
I cannot find any iso images as 14 has not yet been released.
Alpha3 is the 14 current version:
Which pfSense version are you using? 2.7 is built on an older FreeBSD 14 version.
@stephenw10 said in Watchguard XTM 5 Series:
Alpha3 is the 14 current version:
Which pfSense version are you using? 2.7 is built on an older FreeBSD 14 version.
Using 2.7
What version of FreeBsd 14 is is built against?
stephenw10 Netgate Administratorlast edited by stephenw10 Sep 1, 2023, 5:00 PM Sep 1, 2023, 4:58 PM
Looks like the last merge to the FreeBSD src was Mar 30th:
But really I would expect to need to build against the pfSense 2.7 src for this. Better to post in development.