2.7 ISO Download
Something appears to be wrong downloading pfSense 2.7 ISO...seems to be uncompressed process...here's what happening on a Mac...see below. Tried several different times and all result the same. No problem with memstick but, need ISO.
Works fine here. Did you check the file hash after downloading?
No such process looks like a problem with the application. Is it trying to mount the ISO maybe?
@stephenw10 It was decompressing to remove the dot gz extension so it appears on desktop or in which ever folder as pfsense-CE-2.7.0-RELEASE-amd64.iso
@stephenw10 I tried an older Mac and had no problem. -
This is an older thread and you likely have it sorted out by now
but for reference if you get this, it is the archive utility that runs when you click on the .gz file in finder.just drop to a terminal window, change to the directory containing the gz file and run this command.
gunzip whatever_the_file_name_is.iso.gz
that should do the trick.
It is an old thread but the point to note is that, by default, macOS will endeavour to open or unzip a compressed file or folder. You can change this behaviour of course but it is something to keep in the back of macOS user's minds.Uncheck the box under Safari / Settings for recent versions; it is found under Preferences on older macOS offerings.
@RobbieTT said in 2.7 ISO Download:
Uncheck the box under Safari / Settings
LOL - I actually never allow "Open" safe files after downloading so the value is always unchecked here.
However clicking on the .gz file in finder will cause the error the original poster is showing.
and then for reference when it does fail with the above error, dropping to a terminal and running gunzip will work.
In my case, I was using Firefox and as always selected open downloaded files, but it still would not uncompressed in Ventura...so I grabbed my old MacBook pro 2011...solved that easily.