How to update to Realtek driver 198?
I have installed Realtek driver version 197 using stephenw10's guide in the following post when I was on pfSense 2.6.
I have now upgraded to pfSense 2.7 and noticed there is now version 198. How do I upgrade to this version? Do I simply just simply run the following command?
pkg install realtek-re-kmod
If it is, what do I do with the /boot/loader.conf.local file that was created when I installed 197? Do I keep it as is or do I delete it?
I just checked my boot logs and the following command and confirmed in both places that realtek-re-kmod-198.00_1 is already installed on my system.
pkg version | grep realtek
I thought this package was something I had to upgrade? Apparently upgrading pfSense to 2.7 also upgrades the Realtek drivers to 198?
Since the module package is in our repo in 2.7 the upgrade will attempt to upgrade it and see the newer version.
You still need the loader line to load it at boot but as long as that was in loader.conf.local it should have survived the upgrade.
Thank you for explaining it Steve.