pfBlockerNG ASN downloads only contain a header
sometime recently (last 24-36 hours) the ASN downloads started returning files that appear to contain only a header record
the files appear to be downloading (confirmed by deleting on disk) however they only contain 1 record which appears to be a header.
for example the newly downloaded file contains only a single line
(I am masking the actual AS # with $)AS$$$$: AS$$$$
as each file then gets a parse fails with this being logged:
[ AS$$$$_v4 ] Downloading update [ 08/12/23 07:57:04 ] .
Downloading ASN: $$$$... completed
parse error: Invalid numeric literal at line 2, column 0
. completed ..
Empty file, Adding '' to avoid download failure.I realize this is likely an issue at the source provider as it was working and is now doing it for all ASN (about 10 ) values I use.
the real Issue is that other than noticing that the IP count dropped on the pfBlockerNG GUI on the dashboard, there is no indication that it has failed.
because the download actually appears to get a file, and then fails, you end up with a system that is no longer blocking and/or allowing what you expect.would be nice also if the log file included that actual source that it is obtaining the files from, then one could troubleshoot the source and confirm
these IP counts are lower than they should be
login-to-view -
Could someone who is using an ASN please confirm if they are downloading or if you see the parse error in the pfblockerng.log
Thanks -
I see it too.
[ AS41770_v4 ] Reload [ 08/13/23 09:25:42 ] . completed .. Empty file, Adding '' to avoid download failure. ------------------------------ Original Master Final ------------------------------ 0 0 0 [ Pass ]
Also many IP-lists are only partially downloaded. It is a mess right now. At least on a KVM-vm with 23.05.1-RELEASE.
Thanks for checking
Unless this is a version difference (and I'm on 23.05.1 and pfblocker at 3.2.0_5) you are not logging the parse error.
this could imply that you are actually getting IP addresses in the download,
not logging an error and/or if you have de-duplication set on all the IP's in your test are being removed at which point inserting the placeholder IP is normal.Would you mind checking that actual "orig" file for the AS you have listed
Diagnostics -> Edit File
navigate to /var/db/pfblockerng/original and open the file.
if contains IP addresses all good on the other hand if it only contains 1 lines (the header) bad.Now in my case I have completely tracked this down, and ended up having to make a small code change in
Using the curl command as being generated and working on a completely different machine I was able to:
from a command line confirm that the curl command being executed returned errors, but also a file that resulted in only 1 header record, no IP addresses)then also working from a command line I was able to test a curl command that worked (didn't error and pulled a complete file with IP addresses in tact aka the "prefixes" )
once I had a working curl command I made the temporary change to and the parse error of course went away., and low and behold the IP count on the dashboard returned.
Now I'm trying to determine why / when this may have originally started... perhaps my initial 24-36 hours estimate was not correct (it may have been much earlier)
This really bothers me that something was introduced, that caused an underlying error that isn't reported in a more visible fashion, except for the decrease in IP count on the dashboard. (for me that observation was actually secondary to the uptick in malicious activity from someone that should have been blocked by ASN and prompting me to look at the log file for pfblocker. Once seeing the parse error, then I noticed the dashboard IP count being lower.
Since I can change the curl command back to the original (in my case) and doing so brings back the parse error, I may look at a way to get a message on the dashboard, much the same way as what happens when the download is not available at all. An email alert or something that gets shipped over to syslog would be way better. No one has time to sit and stare at a dashboard trying to observe subtle changes in values to determine if something is wrong.
Having the early alert is far better than having the uptick in malicious activity.JR
@jrey said in pfBlockerNG ASN downloads only contain a header:
if contains IP addresses all good on the other hand if it only contains 1 lines (the header) bad.
They are all only containing something like this:
### AS16232: AS16232 ###
And I have problems with other lists as well like FireHOL and maybe many more.
Exactly - just a header and no IP addresses in the original file.
Now I am curious as to why you are not logging the parse error (you certainly appear to be getting the empty (header only files) I was.What version are you running ? (both pfsense and pfblocker NG)
@jrey said in pfBlockerNG ASN downloads only contain a header:
Could someone who is using an ASN please confirm if they are downloading or if you see the parse error in the pfblockerng.log
ThanksYes here too, the error logged is:
parse error: Invalid numeric literal at line 2, column 0
pfsense CE 2.7.0 ; pfBlockerNG 3.2.0_5
@jrey said in pfBlockerNG ASN downloads only contain a header:
(both pfsense and pfblocker NG)
23.05.1-RELEASE and Devel 3.2.0_5
Sry, I am not an advanced user of pfSense.Interesting other problems showed up when I looked in the logs:
[ pfB_uceprotect_v4 - dnsbl1_v4 ] Download Fail [ 08/4/23 22:55:41 ] DNSBL, Firewall, and IDS (Legacy mode only) are not blocking download. [ 08/4/23 22:55:41 ] [PFB_FILTER - 2] Invalid URL (not allowed2) [ ] [ 08/5/23 10:10:22 ]
[ pfB_UCEPROTECTNetwork_v4 - dnsblOne_v4 ] Download Fail [ 08/11/23 23:15:38 ] [ ] Firewall IP block found in: [ pfB_Africa_v4 | ] for! [ 08/11/23 23:15:40 ] Restoring previously downloaded file contents... [ 08/11/23 23:15:40 ]
@jrey said in pfBlockerNG ASN downloads only contain a header:
Now in my case I have completely tracked this down, and ended up having to make a small code change in
What exactly code change?
file /usr/local/pkg/pfblockerng/
first thing I did was log the actual command being executed
in all samples the actual AS number has shown as MASKED substitute with just the AS number, if you wish to test)[ ASMASKED_v4 ] Downloading update [ 08/12/23 15:08:27 ] .
Downloading ASN: MASKED./usr/local/bin/curl -H pfSense/pfBlockerNG cURL download agent-(this will be your device ID) -sS1 > /tmp/pfbtemp10_7137.. completed
parse error: Invalid numeric literal at line 2, column 0
. completed ..
Empty file, Adding '' to avoid download the end of the day the agent (your device id) is not actually relevant to the success of the result
the temp file is random (in code) after parsing (good or bad) it is deletedfrom a command line you can use
/usr/local/bin/curl -H pfSense/pfBlockerNG cURL download agent-bobisyouruncle -sS1 > /tmp/bob
in code the tmp file is removed after processing so you can rm /tmp/bobif you run this from the command line you should notice it errors as follows
[23.05.1-RELEASE]/usr/local/pkg/pfblockerng: /usr/local/bin/curl -H pfSense/pfBlockerNG cURL download agent-bobisyouruncle -sS1 > /tmp/bob
curl: (6) Could not resolve host: cURL
curl: (6) Could not resolve host: download
curl: (6) Could not resolve host: agent-bobisyourunclethe agent seems is actually required, because without one the also appears to fail
Since the -H isn't even documented on pfsense curl and I had determined that api wanted one I used
[ ASMASKED_v4 ] Downloading update .
Downloading ASN: MASKED./usr/local/bin/curl -A agent-(this will be your device ID) -sS1 > /tmp/pfbtemp10_77358.. completed
. completed ..again from the command line
[23.05.1-RELEASE][]/usr/local/pkg/pfblockerng: /usr/local/bin/curl -A agent-bobisyouruncle -sS1 > /tmp/bob
[23.05.1-RELEASE][]/usr/local/pkg/pfblockerng:No Errors
So my change in became this
login-to-viewhas been working perfectly again since making the change.
You will notice that in all changes I just commeted out the original lines and added new replacement lines/comments (or in the case of the ua= just overrode the original value. This so I can go back to original - should a patch ever be created, rather than a completely new version of the file.if you do this test from the command line you can delete file tmp/bob
@jrey Thanks a lot - I'll take a look ...
S stephenw10 moved this topic from General pfSense Questions on Aug 13, 2023, 2:43 PM
@Bob-Dig said in pfBlockerNG ASN downloads only contain a header:
[ pfB_uceprotect_v4 - dnsbl1_v4 ] Download Fail [ 08/4/23 22:55:41 ]
DNSBL, Firewall, and IDS (Legacy mode only) are not blocking download.
[ 08/4/23 22:55:41 ]
[PFB_FILTER - 2] Invalid URL (not allowed2) [ ] [ 08/5/23 10:10:22 ]
[ pfB_UCEPROTECTNetwork_v4 - dnsblOne_v4 ] Download Fail [ 08/11/23 23:15:38 ]
[ ] Firewall IP block found in: [ pfB_Africa_v4 | ] for!
[ 08/11/23 23:15:40 ]
Restoring previously downloaded file contents... [ 08/11/23 23:15:40 ]i can't comment on these as I don't use these feeds, however the invalid URL sounds suspicious depending on what method that download is actually using. if wherever method that is in code is building a similar curl type command, that might be the cause. (or it could be that the feed has just moved at source and the URL is actually invalid.
for the ASN parts if you want to check you can easily compare the code I posted in the thread by going
(Menu) Diagnostics -> Edit File
Enter the file name shown
click Load
goto line 761(I wouldn't change it here, when you are done viewing just navigate away from the page and nothing changes)
I'm assuming the upvote (thanks) implies the workaround I provided, worked for you as well (so your CE 2.7.0 and pfBlocker 3.2.0_5) is / was doing the same thing as you noted.
2 things remain,
I wonder how many people may not know they even have the problem
as @Bob-Dig points out running 3.2.0_5 devel which seems to have the problem but doesn't seem to log a parse error.
(was under the impression that 3.2.0_5 and 3.2.0_5 devel are the same)I took a look at the dashboard part as well, and it seem the notice to the dashboard only looks at the errlog for the word "FAIL"
point here is that the download with or without the subsequent "parse error" isn't a download failure as such so it doesn't write to the error log.
(it could by looking at the random /tmp/file before parsing, if it contains HTML and not a list of IP address, I think it could write to the error log at that point or after the .orig file is created from the tmp/file and only contains a single header with no IP addresses) In either case it is a failure (completely silent or otherwise) and should be highlighted on the dashboard.I was considering making it do that, and or modifying the dashboard so it also trips on the word "error" if it find found in the pfblockerng.log
doing either would work for both of us, but not @Bob-Dig as there was seemingly no parse error logged in that case even though "all the files" as reported only had the header..I'm actually holding and hoping @BBcan177 may chime in.
@fireodo said in pfBlockerNG ASN downloads only contain a header:
It seams also to be a API issue at bgpview .
I didn't see that -- it worked as expected from every other platform I test pulled from and has been consistently returning results
You can even drop the uri into a browser and it will respond --- so from the client side any agent string works, they don't appear to tie the result success to the content of the agent string.I'm thinking more that curl changed with a recent update and as a result the call with all the "-H" stuff started running into issues (outright failing actually) as demonstrated from the command line test.
the api also failed at the pgpview end because it no longer saw an "agent" and returned a response to the tmp/file that said as much. That response file ended up being an "orig" file with only a header. The agent string from my testing is required by the api but the agent string can be anything so "bobisyouruncle" as provided in my test strings works and the api didn't complain. I therefore didn't change the code so it still sends the Netgate device ID for the agent with the -A but all the other stuff that was originally in the -H parameter was obviously removed from the changed -A parameter.Thanks for your feedback...
JR -
Thanks for digging in. Looks like that was the issue.. Sorry about that!
I made a patch which can be downloaded here as there are two lines that needed to be changed:
curl -o /usr/local/pkg/pfblockerng/ ""
Will get this into a PR soon.
I believe that BGPview is rate limiting any Agent string that contains "pfBlockerNG", I changed it to "pfBNG" for now and will update once I get feedback from them, -
@BBcan177 said in pfBlockerNG ASN downloads only contain a header:
I believe that BGPview is rate limiting any Agent string that contains "pfBlockerNG", I changed it to "pfBNG" for now and will update once I get feedback from them,
interesting, I'm likely not hitting a rate limit as I use less than 15 ASN feeds (and clearly they didn't prevent me from only hitting with an agent string like bobisyouruncle.
the second case you changed (around line 826) would only be used for IP to ASN right ? (so in the case where ASN Reporting is enabled)
also I did a mv to capture the current file, then got your new file -- forgot to set the execute permissions LOL that was fun -- whoops
see the permissions on file which
seems to be working on a force -- I'll let it run on the schedule for a bit.I'd honestly still like to see that actual call / parameters logged (it is always helpful at some point) and perhaps something that notifies the dashboard if the list ends up with just a "header" and no IP addresses as was the case here.
JR -
I ended up creating a couple of patches that I could apply through the Patches package:
One where the user agent string is fixed from
and another where it isn't yet fixed (where you're running the original files directly from the package.Nice thing about the patch there is that it could make it easy to have a unique user agent to try to not get whatever string is being set flagged for rate limiting as even the adding in the netgate device ID to the UA doesn't really change anything.
I've also noticed that the service was REALLY slow before they started blocking. I have to imagine their API was getting hammered and them blocking a ton of bots has helped their APIs be quicker - they're lightning fast right now.
*edit: I noticed that I actually missed one place where the user-agent was set when I was creating the patch file. Updated the patch file at
As a side question: If I disable
Netgate Device ID - Do NOT send Netgate Device ID with user agent
in (System-Advanced-Miscellaneous), can that have negative side effects in the way we potentially are seeing it here? Is this the real usecase for that Netgate Device ID? Or is it better to not have it? Will the other side still be able to see "pfSense" if i disable the option?