wifi deco doesnt work any more, need help
recently i invested alot of time and money to get new hardware for my pfsense setup, i bought a new router hardware and deco x50 routers to cover my hole house, i spent alot of time setting both pfsense and decos up, and it worked without any issues at all.
i also run domoticz home automation on a rasperry pi, this has been running for many years,.
so yesterday i noticed that the automation didnt work as it should so i reinstalled a backup sdcard, and when i turned that on, the decos went red, and there where no wifi signal at all.
then i looked in pfsense and it all looked good, i got a ip from my isp, and all the wired computers had connection.
So i tried to reinstall the decos, but they wont just turn green, just red, meaning that they dont have internet.
if im connected with my phone or laptop to the wifi, the wifi says "no internet"
I have also reinstalled a backup of pfsense, but still no internet connection to the decos.
I also installed my old asus mesh routers again,and used them as accespoints, but also they dont broadcast any internet, it just says "connected but with no internet".I got tired of this and plugged the isp router i got, and connected the decos to that one, and it worked emediatly, the decos turned green.
Today i tried with the pfsense router again and it doesnt work, the decos are red , and dont broadcast any internet.so i dont understand what happened, and why cant i get my decos to broadcast the internet from my pfsense router?
if you know where i should start or even look, please help.
@tjabas said in wifi deco doesnt work any more, need help:
i reinstalled a backup sdcard, and when i turned that on, the decos went red
I assume "went red" indicates they are not seeing other access point? Internet?
But that sounds like whatever you restored on that backup card created a conflict of some sort. I'd look for an IP conflict with whatever the Deco APs were trying to reach.
thanks for your answer.
but even if i use the old sdcard that wasnt the problem, or even if i turn the raspberry pi off, the deco wont connect to the internet, if i check the arp table in pfsense, i can see that the deco device is connected.i cant understand whats wrong.
Hmm, well then maybe whatever caused the automation system to stop working. Really seems like there must be a conflict there somewhere.
Do you know what the Decos are actually checking for? -
no i dont know what the decos are looking for, im using them in access point mode, before i got the decos i had 3 asus routers with aimesh, these where also conected in access point mode, but even when i connected them yesterday they also didnt work , they all broadcast a wifi, but with no internet connection.i dont know where to look.
If they are really acting as layer 2 devices then pfSense is not forwarding the traffic, or actively blocking. Or potentially clients on that subnet are not being passed a default gateway/route.
Do clients get an IP address from pfSense via DHCP?
yes the wired clients gets an ip, but not the wirelsess. -
Then they are not acting as layer 2 devices. Assuming pfSense is still running a DHCP server on that interface. Do you see any requests arriving in pfSense? Do you see any traffic arriving?
today i tried once again to get this working, but now i cant even get an external ip on the wan connection in pfsense dashboard.
and i have connected it as always in the incomming fibre box(the one that converts fibre to cat cable) .the ip i get in pfsense wan is, that one is an internal ip, not external, i honestly dont understand anything now.
i also took my old pfsense router and plugged it in , and that one also doesnt get an external ip .
Can the isp made any changes so i only can use they own router?i have never experienced someyhing like this, and i have been using pfsense for over 10 years now.
im about to leave this pfsense and go with the isp router even though it sucks.
@tjabas said in wifi deco doesnt work any more, need help:
the ip i get in pfsense wan is, that one is an internal ip, not external, i honestly dont understand anything now.
I think you need to put together a drawing showing your network, the places things are landed, etc.
draw.io is a free service for basic Visio-style drawings.
Mmm, if it's getting an internal IP via DHCP then either there's a link between WAN and LAN or something else in your network is still running as a DHCP server.
yea it must be a link , but it is impossible, there is nothing between the fibre box and the pfsense router, so i dont get it.
im going to call the isp tomorrow and ask if they can see why its like that. -
Check the pfSense DHCP status or logs. If there's a link there it can be handing a lease to itself.