weird network behavior after switching from mikrotik
I am a recent pfSense user, I was previously using a mikrotik router. I am experiencing what can only be described as weird network behavior after switching to pfSense. ie, this bug being reported as network issues.Another issue I experienced was a friend came over with a new device, I throw them on one of the WiFi SSID's (I have a few, all cosmetic, no changes on the back-end (unifi)), no internet access, even though other devices were on this SSID. The device was able to get an IP, able to ping router IP, not able to ping pfSense wasn't showing any block logs... Throw the device on another wifi network, same dhcp pull, same dns server (router) but able to access internet. Flip it back to the original SSID, same original issue.
I am also experiencing other issues with HomeAssistant that are leading me to further think that there is an underlying network issue, and since pfsense is the new kid in the block I'm pointing my finger at it. I understand how complex a network is/can be and how circumstantial these issues are, but I am hoping there is some fancy pfsense log or setting that I am missing to either fix the issue or gain additional info for further troubleshooting.
Thanks for the assistance!
@homeauto I don't think anyone can help you with that description. You having some basic networking problems it seems, so no bug on pfSense side for sure. Learn the basics.
Are you sure Outbound NAT is setup correctly for all your SSID (Vlan) lan's.If using vlans that are defined in pfSense , NAT (ranges) will usually be added automaticaly ...
If using "trickery" and ip ranges that does not belong to pfSense interfaces , NAT and DNS (allow) , might have to be done manually./Bingo
@homeauto I highly recommend Netgate Docs, it's got everything.
@homeauto said in weird network behavior after switching from mikrotik:
Throw the device on another wifi network, same dhcp pull, same dns server (router) but able to access internet.
Actually the same subnet? If so that pretty much has to be something in the AP/Switch config.
@homeauto Mikrotik has nothing to do with your problem and I'll agree with Bingo600 that your issue(s) seem to suggest or related to NAT.