2.7 and 2.6 config.xml are fully compatible ? Especially to move back from 2.7 to 2.6 ?
Somebody could confim the config.xml ( backup file) is fully compatible for 2.6 and 2.7 ?
We are ready to upgrade to 2.7 but if something goes wrong after a time, we would like to know if we can downgrade to 2.6 with restoring from a backup file of 2.7Thanks in advance
This question doesn't exist
Keep a 2.6.0 version of your config file.
Keep the official 2.6.0 install ISO (a USB driven, or the file you downloaded).The day you want to go back, use the 2.6.0 saved ISO file on a USB drive (do the etcher thing).
Install pfSense.
Enter the config / console or GUI.
Import the saved 2.6.0 config.
Done.Without knowing nothing about 'System X', can you import the config of System X in system X-1 ?
Short easy answer : no - don't.Slightly longer answer : system X may have system functionalities that did not exist when X-1 existed.
What ill happen when X-1 encounters info present and meaningful to X ?Proof of concept :
Import Windows 11 registry into a Windows 10 system. Please, tell us what you saw - or check out Youtube, it has been done already It's a killer.edit : forget about something.
With ZFS support, live becomes even easier.
In System > Boot Environments, create a new "Environment".
Have your system boot into this new "Environment".
Now upgrade.
If needed, select the previous older "2.6.0" "Environment".
Done. Back in 2.6.0 with all the settings like the day you left it. -
You cannot (reliably) import a newer config into an older pfSense version. So, no, keep a copy of the 2.6 config if you intend to move back to that.
Older configs can always be imported into newer pfSense versions though.
Thanks for your reply . This is clear for me .
Thanks .
Nice idea the double boot. I will try it -
@manu77 More specifically there are pfSense versions and configuration file versions:
https://docs.netgate.com/pfsense/en/latest/backup/restore-different-version.html"Generally speaking, a complete older configuration version can always be restored to a newer release of pfSense software. The firewall will upgrade the configuration as needed provided that has the entire configuration and not a partial copy.
A newer configuration cannot be restored to an older release that had a different configuration version. Certain releases of pfSense software had the same configuration version, and restoring between those is possible, but still not recommended. See Versions of pfSense software and FreeBSD to see which configuration versions were used on specific releases."
@Gertjan Hi. What do you mean by (do the etcher thing) ?
Sorry I do not know much so just want to make sure understand all the steps
Regards -
@makq said in 2.7 and 2.6 config.xml are fully compatible ? Especially to move back from 2.7 to 2.6 ?:
What do you mean by (do the etcher thing) ?
When you want to transform a PC type device into a pfSense, you have to install pfSense.
The time of 'create a bootable CD/DVD' is over, so this this question will pop up straight away :
How to create a bootable USB drive so I can install pfSense from it ?Convert the question into Google food : pfsense documentation create usb boot drive ?
and then you find what Etcher is.
A program that used to create bootable USB 'memdrives' so you can install Linux, Windows, whatever, and also pfSense in a 'device'.
It uses the file you downloaded from here, you'll be needing an USB drive, and you'll get a USB drive with which you install the OS.Btw : Google : Etcher is spot-on.
@Gertjan Thank you.
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