Help with Bell Internet/FibeTV (Canada-GTA)
Does anybody use Bell Internet/FibeTV (in Canada-GTA Area) with pfSense?
After a few hours of looking around the internet, it seems as though it uses some sort of PPoE connection and separate VLANs - one for internet and one for TV.
IIUC PPoE is a bit cpu intensive, and my current pfSense box is an Celeron J1900 @ 1.99GHz which is currently running betwen 40-65% CPU utilization. Am I likely to run into trouble and need to upgrade?
Any info/guidance would be much appreciated.
Yes you probably will if that's a 1Gbps connection. The single thread performance or the J1900 is not great and that's what counts for a PPPoE connection.
@stephenw10 said in Help with Bell Internet/FibeTV (Canada-GTA):
Yes you probably will if that's a 1Gbps connection. The single thread performance or the J1900 is not great and that's what counts for a PPPoE connection.
Thanks for the heads up. Any guidance as to what sort of benchmarks I need to look for in a replacement?
The J1900 Benchmark from
Single Thread Rating:..650
CPU Mark:.............1152As you correctly stated single thread performance isn't great!
With the mitigations in place the C3558 will do 1Gbps, I tested that. So pretty much anything recent.