Upgraded mobo lost internet connectivity
I bought a new mobo, cpu, and ram. I am using the existing SSD that I used to set everything up. I have Pfsense router setup to send all traffic thru VPN to (my PC)
Now I have no internet when trying to connect to my pfsense router.
I cant think of what to change to get internet back up. Firewall rules? Do I need to update my VPN certs?
@THEVIKING you updated the box pfsense is running on with a new motherboard - Or you updated your PC?
I find it unlikely you could just swap motherboards on pfsense and plug in the old ssd and expect to even boot??
Sorry if my post was confusing, I meant I changed the motherboard on my PC not the mobo in the PFsense router. My PFsense box hasnt changed just a pc i have plugged into PFsense..
Everything works except my VPN vlan... Wifi works fine, i have that going thru clearnet. What do I need to do to get it to see this vlan? Change firewall rules or do I need new VPN certs? -
@THEVIKING why would what os or hardware your pc is running have anything to do with it. If your pc has the same IP as it did before, then the firewall rules or forwards or whatever would be exactly the same as before you upgraded your pc.
Now if your pc has a different IP, then port forwards you had setup would have to be adjusted.. So your pc is trying to connect to some outside vpn service? There was a thread the other day where someone thought that the upgrade of their pfsense broke there vpn - was not the case, the vpn endpoints fqdn are not working... It was just coincidence that he didn't notice it until is pfsense updated/rebooted most likely because before his vpn connection was active, and didn't have to look up the fqdn of the endpoint the was trying to connect too.
You need to troubleshoot the problem, if you changed nothing on your pfsense - then why would you think its related to pfsense.. Pfsense doesn't care or even know what OS or hardware your device is using..
What vpn service are you using - maybe they are having a problem like the thread I was talking about.. Which is here..
@THEVIKING It isn’t something as simple as the Ethernet controllers are a different type, so you need to tell it which controller to use for the port, is it?
@Vollans How would I do that?
@THEVIKING said in Upgraded mobo lost internet connectivity:
Everything works except my VPN vlan
Is it really a VLAN? If you have a separate VLAN where all hosts are routed over the VPN then changing the host MAC should not make any difference.
If you just have one subnet and are policy routing by IP then that is dependent on the MAC. And that would have changed.
@THEVIKING said in Upgraded mobo lost internet connectivity:
I have Pfsense router setup to send all traffic thru VPN to (my PC)
This doesn't make a lot of sense - so your pc is hosting vpn server? That outside clients connect too? Or your routing your traffic out through a vpn on pfsense (client to some vpn service)
You have some vpn on pfsense and your doing a port forward through the vpn?
None of these scenarios have anything to do with you changing the mother board your pc and pfsense.. Not one of those scenarios has anything to do with pfsense and you changing your pc motherboard.
The only thing that could change on your pc that might effect something you have setup on pfsense is the IP address of your PC, if its still pfsense doesn't give 2 shits what motherboard or OS or anything - it only cares about the IP address.