Regarding squidguard & captive portal user
Hello everyone,
I am working in a company as a network admin. I want to monitor all emplyees activity
on internet during their office time. For that currently i am using pfsense.
pfsense gives wide variety of features.I want to make pfsense as user based by which employee can use
internet by providing their authentication through the service of captive portal but the problem is that the logs generated
by the pfsense are IP based. I want to make that user based.For this i tried the following secanrio,
I used the service of free radius. I configure free radius and through which i configure captive portal.
So, by making users in free radius i am able to authenticate them in captive portal and allow to access the internet.
But in that i can not do web filtering or assign specific bandwidth. so, i skip that optionNow i am trying this things in squid guard:
As squid guard provides functionality of web filtering, assigning bandwidth etc.
So, in squidguard users are made by using Status -> Squid proxy report -> Users. So i am trying to authenticate squidguard's user through captive portalIn nutshell, my query is i can not authenticate users of squidguard into the captive portal login.
How can i do this? Can anyone help me.Your help will be appriciated.
Thank you. -
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