I cannot reset my password using the reset button
I lost the paper with the password for my netgate SG-1100 and I reset it by pressing and holding the reset button, but the password was not initialized. Does this mean that the reset button does not initialize even the password? If so, is there any other route to reset, etc.?
@Yet_learningPFSense not sure what your doing with some button?
The Netgate 1100 firewall appliance does not have a hardware button to reset the configuration to factory defaultsBut you can just set the password via console.
@johnpoz Thank you. I thought that was the small hole in the picture, but I was wrong. I kept thinking it was strange because the lamp was also blinking and doing other initialization moves, lol. I would like to try resetting the password in the console.
@johnpoz I didn't expect to be able to connect to the console with the MicroUSB cable, but I was able to make the connection successfully and reset the admin password. It was a great help! Thank you very much.