Upgrading to fiber from basic cable, it is Metronet, I understand they use cgnat. Have some questions.
- Can I use DNS over TLS?
- Can I use DNS Resolver?
- Or just use pfBlocker.
- If I use a static IP can I use the above.
@JMV43-0 cgnat doesn't prevent you from talking to anything on the public net. What you can not do when your on a cgnat IP is normally allow for any unsolicited inbound traffic, unless they set that up for you for specific ports, etc.
But if you want to ask say quad9 for dns, or for dns over https (doh) or dns over tls (dot) that should not be a problem. Nor should you have any problem just resolving dns..
Unless of course this isp blocks dns to anything other than their dns servers, etc. But cgnat in general shouldn't effect your ability to talk to anything on the public internet. Be it just some website or email server or dns..
@johnpoz I see, thank you very much for your response. I've tried to do my research but had those doubts. Thanks again.
@JMV43-0 you know how your router at home nats your public IP to your rfc1918 address. CGnat is like that - the nat is just done in the isp network, and then your router nats the cgnat space 100.64/10 (normally) to your rfc1918 space 192.168/16,10/8 or 172.16/12