LDAP Insecure Shell Access
I've successfully setup LDAP in pfSense - I can login to the GUI with the correct permissions. I'm also seeing the opposite - users that are not part of my defined group CANNOT login to the GUI.
This issue is with shell authentication using LDAP.
I have Shell Authentication Group DN configured withCN=pfSense_Admin,OU=Groups,DC=ad,DC=example,DC=com
When I login (using SSH) to the shell with my AD user, I get the following output, followed by being dropped into the pfSense CLI menu.
You must be a memberOf of CN=pfSense_Admin,OU=Groups,DC=ad,DC=example,DC=com to login.
I do appear to have limited privileges - i.e. I can't restart services, run pfTop, or reboot the firewall.
I can open the shell and issue commands and a non-root user.This isn't an issue is any given user doesn't have the correct attributes configured on their user account. But, that also isn't a solution to denying shell access to a firewall.
Has anyone seen this behavior or been able to replicate this? (I did see a Reddit post about this)
NOTE: I'm using Active Directory on Windows Server 2022.
NOTE: I've setup the necessary user attributes in AD to allow a user to login to the pfSense shell. I can already login to the shell - albeit in an insecure/broken way. -
So, to be clear, you expect those users to be able to login at the CLI without a warning and have full permissions from the group?
Yes (or whatever permissions are assigned to the group in the GUI). The issue here being that pfSense isn't respecting the group declaration. I can create a new AD user, not put that user in any groups, and still login to the CLI of pfSense.
So if you test it in Diag > Auth it returns the expected groups and they match the groups defined in pfSense?
Yep! I can login to the GUI just fine assuming my user is part of the "pfSense_Admin" group - the same group I have setup in the shell auth group section