pfSense as wireless AP transmit power adjustments?
I have always used the defaults there:
dev.ath.0.rxantenna: 1 dev.ath.0.txantenna: 0
@stephenw10 thanks for the reply. This matches mine. I was testing to see if 0 equates to both antenna
or just one as the card is labeled 0 and 1 but freeBSD states 0 is for both and 1 is for main. Again I can set one to use 2 so I am a bit mixed up on if the numbers equate to the freeBSD definitions or is it something else that matches the numbers printed on the mini pcie card. I just had poor reception with the pcie versus the AP
As PfSense uses freeBSD I researched this and found.
"Options 0,1,2 (antenna port 1 or 2, both=0) dev.ath.0.diversity: options 0,1(0=disable 1=enable)"
But does this match in the firewall?
Ref: -
@stephenw10 I could not get diversity to enable
A lot more info can be found here:
It might be a loader value....
@stephenw10 said in pfSense as wireless AP transmit power adjustments?:
How do you add this as a loader value?? I just need more pwr for wifi to work in my kitchen
what should be added?
I found the other problem this file locked the transmit power to 17-30 only like it is set for an apartment and not a single family home. I am going to up it by 10 and it should reach my kitchen again.
17 that seems way to low for me.
What exactly are you trying to set?
@stephenw10 I got to be honest with you I need more power. My DLink and the extender in the 90s had power adjustments, so did my Apple airport Extreme. All the sudden I have no way to turn up the juice on the wifi side. It has a range equivalent of a small apartment. I want to turn diversity on, I want to boost my signal power by at least 15 percent. Why does the regulatory file degrade the power range to 17-30 percent of power. It seems like it's locked on small apartment mode. It needs house mode. My neighbors signal has more power in home than my own WiFi because of it.
Well the maximum power is supposed to be limited by the regulatory domain. As well as whether it's indoors or outdoors etc. You can bypass that I'm sure but it's probably illegal, so hard for me to advise!
@JonathanLee for one increasing the output is rarely a fix for anything.. While sure your client might see the signal better, its transmit is normally going to be low, and have issue talking back..
I run all my AP in low power mode..
Yup that^.
In the past, when I had more time mess about with this stuff for fun, I found better and correctly aligned antennas produced better results than anything else.
You know what, I got an idea, I can use my old power line networking equipment and just move the PfSense box to a more central location. That might help. I just don't understand why it has the power level set so low on it. It's not our area as our neighbors have stronger wifi then ours. As soon as I moved to this area the Apple extreme was updated and the power options removed. I miss my DLink that thing had some power and with the extender it was so something else. This was back before wifi g.
It acts like it's set to a regulation for an apartment over a single family.
It works perfectly when I am close to it.
@JonathanLee said in pfSense as wireless AP transmit power adjustments?:
just move the PfSense box to a more central location
Or what anyone should do that wants good wifi, is use actual APs, and properly deploy them to provide correct coverage.. Unless your in some small studio.. A single AP is rarely going to provide great wifi in all areas of a home.
The problem with any wifi router, or running wifi in your router like pfsense - that makes a horrible AP because of the lack luster support in freebsd for wifi in general in the first place. Is the location.. it would be rare that your router is in the best location for wifi coverage for some multi room dwelling.
If you want rock solid no issues wifi, get some APs - properly deploy them.
WiFi in pfSense!!!!
Nice. Is that just close or did you find some useful settings?
You would be better off using channel 1 there. Channel 2 will be coliding with 6 to a greater extent. Not much in it though.
Done ch 1 now. I am next to it however it is moved it to the middle of house and changed it to Channel width HT/20. I got so tired of the neighbors internet killing my signal. I am so tired of it. This fixed it. My kitchen was the major concern and living room. I can run the airport extreme and extend the pfsense wifi if needed. Everyone is using 5-6 in our area for some reason.
1 neighbor runs about 3 SSIDs one is a guest that is an advertisement for Xfinity, they run it on a channel for no reason as open wifi as a sales pitch, it's weird I would sue them for that if it was my wifi. It is open and you sometimes connect and it displays sign up today its like a sale pitch captive portal with a host webpage and thats it.
Interesting, what tool is that?
Yeah really there is only 1,6 and 11. If you like to live on the edge, like me, there's 1,5,9 and 13 but there is some minimal interference between those. Realistically there's interference on every channel though so....
I love Powerline Networking, forget network cables :) they work great my dmark runs to a wall outlet and i plug the other powerline adapter any plug I want rj45 at and bingo it works
This is not the same as WiFi extenders.
Yup, I agree. Some people hate Ethernet-over-Powerline but I've always had good experiences with them. Far better than WIFI extenders IMO.
@stephenw10 the SG-2100 with the Comptex card works great!! Thanks for the recommendations