Migration new hardware with old config - Managing "ovpns1"
I have a netgate SG-4860 pfsense 22.05 I am migrating to new hardware and pfsense CE 2.7.0. I would like to utilize the additional NIC in the new hardware but when I run through "Assign Interfaces" it assigns OPT2 to "igc3" instead of "ovpns1"
So here is the OLD setup:
*** Welcome to Netgate pfSense Plus 22.05-RELEASE (amd64) on pfNG4860 *** WWAN (wan) -> igb1 -> v4: 7x.xxx.xxx.xxx/27 LAN (lan) -> igb0 -> v4: CWAN (opt1) -> igb2 -> v4: 5y.yyy.yyy.yyy/30 VPNREMOTEACCESS (opt2) -> ovpns1 ->
What is the best way to fix this?
Here is the new config, which I would guess breaks VPN:*** Welcome to Netgate pfSense Plus 22.05-RELEASE (amd64) on pfVP *** WWAN (wan) -> igc0 -> v4: 7x.xxx.xxx.xxx/27 LAN (lan) -> igc1 -> v4: CWAN (opt1) -> igc2 -> v4: 5y.yyy.yyy.yyy/30 VPNREMOTEACCESS (opt2) -> igc3 -> OPT3 (opt3) -> igc4 -> OPT4 (opt4) -> igc5 ->
You can edit the config directly and swap out the igb NICs for igc. Then import it; opt2 will still be ovpns1. Then add the additional igc interfaces.
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