Password Changes and SSH
Hey Guys.
I want to use SSH to change the password on a pfsense (23.05.1-RELEASE (amd64), We use PMP (ManageEngine Password Manager Pro) to manage passwords etc, and I want to be able to change the passwords for both SSH and GUI.
When I do it at the moment, it changes the SSH password but not the GUI (Web).
Is there a way to do it ? via ssh ?
Cheers Guys
@whiz_kid_uk I haven't tested it, but I would think the php playbox changepassword would do it?
0) Logout (SSH only) 9) pfTop 1) Assign Interfaces 10) Filter Logs 2) Set interface(s) IP address 11) Restart webConfigurator 3) Reset webConfigurator password 12) PHP shell + Netgate pfSense Plus tools 4) Reset to factory defaults 13) Update from console 5) Reboot system 14) Disable Secure Shell (sshd) 6) Halt system 15) Restore recent configuration 7) Ping host 16) Restart PHP-FPM 8) Shell Enter an option: 12 Starting the Netgate pfSense Plus developer shell.... Welcome to the Netgate pfSense Plus developer shell Type "help" to show common usage scenarios. Available playback commands: changepassword cryptconfig disablecarp disablecarpmaint disabledhcpd disablereferercheck enableallowallwan enablecarp enablecarpmaint enablesshd externalconfiglocator gatewaystatus generateguicert gitsync installpkg listpkg pfanchordrill pftabledrill removepkgconfig removeshaper resetwebgui restartallwan restartdhcpd restartipsec svc uninstallpkg upgradeconfig Netgate pfSense Plus shell:
thanks will give it a try.
Thank you
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