Nintendo Switch connection issue Error code
Thanks for working with me on this.
The Nintendo switch does work for all NAT B games and for his online account. Disney Speed racing game must require NAT A to work is all I think. So he has a lot of options to have fun with still that let the URL blocker work correctly.
I flat out love Nintendo's version of LAN options over XBOX's. Nintendo just lets you input a proxy. XBOX wont do it, it was such a pain to set up the XBOX, it needed WPAD and after that it needed special DHCP options to tell the XBOX where to go, and special spice options just to have the Child Safe URL blocker work. It was really illusive over Nintendo's simple plug the proxy in and go option. Don't get me wrong XBOX has it's items I like too.
STUN is new to me I have never played with that until today. I wonder if it will improve anything here or not?
@JonathanLee said in Nintendo Switch connection issue Error code:
STUN is new to me I have never played with that until today. I wonder if it will improve anything here or not?
STUN is used to tell a server which IP/UDP port to use in the communication.
Sometimes it is just the voice communication in the game that doesn't work properly.
Sometimes is just you won't be able to host a game, but only connect to existing games in the server, things like that. -
@mcury said in Nintendo Switch connection issue Error code:
The problem I'm seeing here is that is using akamai..
That right there is going to break Squid in Transparent mode
@JonathanLee As you are already aware there is an issue with Squid and quickly rotating IPs to Domain Names. So the suggestion to bypass the proxy all together should be considered. -
@michmoor That might be resolved once PfSense adds unbound support for DoH. Unbound already supports it, just pfSense does not have the GUI options for it yet.
I don't have the issues you have, again I only use A DNS records because my ISP does not allow IPv6. The Nintendo works mostly for everything I need.
I have learned it does use STUN for something check this out.
My Nintendo SW is This is a STUN port accessing Google stun is Google, I assume because of the port used its a STUN server for Nintendo port 3478 I added a supress to that IP for it.
I created a PCAP file when this connection test runs it seems like it has a lot of RST from the firewall itself this is when the connection fails right after
8 nil-aas(3128) -> 10316 [RST]
keep in mind I do have a WAN floating traffic shaping rule running.
Any ideas?
@JonathanLee well your nintendoswitch keeps sending ack, after the lee_family sent a fin,ack - so yeah if NS keeps talking to LF with sending acks, LF is going to keep telling it to F off with a RST..
Not sure where pfsense comes into play in this conversation. Is this traffic routed over pfsense? 3128 is proxy port, so this NS wants to keep this conversation going after LF has told its done with the fin,ack..
@johnpoz yes Squid proxy 3128 this is during the Nintendo Switch Network test it does an upload test right after the Nintendo Switch shows I have NAT type B next it does a download test that passes goes to UL test and this is in the PCAP. It has a ton right before it fails. LF my SG-2100. I wonder if I can increase the connection timers or something
@JonathanLee said in Nintendo Switch connection issue Error code:
@johnpoz yes Squid proxy 3128 this is during the Nintendo Switch Network test it does an upload test right after the Nintendo Switch shows I have NAT type B next it does a download test that passes goes to UL test and this is in the PCAP. It has a ton right before it fails. LF my SG-2100. I wonder if I can increase the connection timers or something
I wonder if in Nintendo Switch, you could use a .pac file instead of setting the proxy by IP address and port, or, if there is a configuration field such as "Do not proxy connections for this destinations"..
If this field existis in the Nintendo Switch proxy configuration, try to include there.
Or, perhaps, if it is possible, try this .pac file in the Nintendo Switch configuration:
This is the .pac file I used to have in a few customers back in the day that I was using squid..
function FindProxyForURL(url, host) { //BYPASS POR REGEX if (isPlainHostName(host) || shExpMatch(host, "*") || //BYPASS BY DESTINATIONS NETWORK isInNet(dnsResolve(host), "", "") || isInNet(dnsResolve(host), "", "") || isInNet(dnsResolve(host), "", "") || isInNet(dnsResolve(host), "", "") || //LOCAL SITES dnsDomainIs(host, "") || //Windows and Nintendo Switch dnsDomainIs(host, "") || dnsDomainIs(host, "") || dnsDomainIs(host, "") || dnsDomainIs(host, "") || //Other dnsDomainIs(host, "")) return "DIRECT"; if (isInNet(myIpAddress(), "", "")) return "PROXY"; }
Edit: If you follow this route, bypass Nintendo's Switch IP address from the transparent proxy.
@mcury I like your pac WPAD file, however Nintendo does allow for Proxy use, meaning it should not have to bypass it. I have found a bug reported in bugzilla that matches the half closed issue. Your auto configuration file for me opens to many addresses. I do like the .arpa return direct I will use that for my internal devices thanks.
@JonathanLee What you gain with using a PAC file is the possibility to bypass destinations by domains, regex..
You don't need to know the destination address as you would need to know when using transparent proxy.
Browsers also have a builtin option to make use of that, that you can use with or without a .pac file.
So, as I see it, Nintendo switch proxy implementation is poor, I mean, only an IP and address, port and a switch ON/OFF ?
The usage of Squid (to no ones surprise) is now deprecated.
@michmoor said in Nintendo Switch connection issue Error code:
The usage of Squid (to no ones surprise) is now deprecated.
I can't say I'm surprised indeed.. Thanks for the info.
What is an alternative ???
Dang looks like I will have to stay with 23.09 until 2100 hardware twightlighted. I spent years getting this to actually work =(, it's just sad to me. :(
This post is deleted! -
What is the next official Netgate product that will continue to support a proxy with SSL intercept that can be purchased? Now that this is being twightlighted?
What version should I upgrade too for proxy cacheing abilities? I have a SG-2100 currently. Should users move to Palo Alto?
@JonathanLee There is nothing after Squid. Squid is really the only Forward proxy application that i know of. Your alternatives are going to be DNS blocklist or DNS server that can handle content filtering(OpenDNS or NextDNS).
Within my home, ive loaded up AdGuard within a container and pointed my "Family_VLAN" toward it. AdGuard has features to block content of various degrees and you can also upload blocklists. So its handy and arguably better than Squid.Squid is just a very unsupported project without a lot of updated features and lots of CVEs. Its long past its prime and it had a good run. Im sad to see it go but there just isnt a better or any OSS alternative.
@JonathanLee said in Nintendo Switch connection issue Error code:
Should users move to Palo Alto?
Palos/Fortinet/Ciscos all have heavy subscription fees to use their products. Assuming you can get a PA-440 with a home lab license for a "cheap" price it's going to be very costly.
I suspect that if there are folks out there that need to MITM traffic flows they are probably within an enterprise or Financial space or even military and could well afford the pricey security vendors. I can't say what you should do but if you really need that feature set and you are willing to pay then the options you have are vast.
It all comes down to what your security/network requirements are. -
if (! isResolvable(host)) {
return "PROXY";
}In the mean time I wonder if this would help with the WPAD.
Ref:'s website states there next upgrade to resolve bugs every 2 years.
"Major stable releases follow a two-year schedule. Beta branches are spawned six months before the corresponding major stable release."
So Feb 2025 is when the security issues will be resolved?Good run it's still running great. I am not at all concerned with the security issues from it. I am going to keep running it personally. It's million times better from day one of setting up my 2100. It's like a dream to see it run now on my system. I have one issue with a time out connection.
I actually feel like I have control of my privacy. I have asked many times per CCPA for sites to stop tracking me. Again they don't, this gave me the ability to force privacy with block lists. I am to invested in the configurations and stuff with it to give up on it. Yes it has some bugs like anything.
I keep thinking about Microsofts enteral blue bug. It's been abused over and over and patched and reopened for NSA tools and released.
pfSense and Squid provided me everything I needed in a firewall. So much so I would buy a new Netgate if it had the ability to run it still. It's perfect. Sure I block some advertising abuse from tracking us, that's them not following CCPA and GDPR laws.
I am on a tangent sorry because I personally Iove Squid Squidguard and lightsquid.
There run is not over yet... Squid keeps on protecting my GDPR and CCPA rights. It really took the Zoo/panopticon feeling out of advertising company abuses.
Again for the average users it's a living nightmare to configure, something that requires a cyber security degree and years of configuration changes after with a team of open source community members coding and searching for any issue.
It really was an amazing product.
IMO, you are taking a huge gamble running an insecure application. one on the development side of the Squid project is taking ownership of these vulnerabilities. There is no roadmap to fix.
"He also acknowledged that the Squid proxy's maintainers – like most open source developers – are largely volunteers and may not have the support necessary to quickly fix all these problems.
"The Squid Team have been helpful and supportive during the process of reporting these issues," Rogers conceded. **"However, they are effectively understaffed, and simply do not have the resources to fix the discovered issues. Hammering them with demands to fix the issues won't get far."
As Netgate suggested, i would highly advise you to not use it anymore. If you really need more control over devices that are other methods availble today with less overhead.