Multiple LANs sharing single WAN interface
Hi. I'm a newbie with networking and I'm looking for some help with my first configuration. I have Pfsense routing traffic between a LAN interface (LAN1) and my single WAN interface. However, I would like to stand up a second LAN (LAN2) and have both share WAN for their internet access. To start with, I went into the LAN1's IPv4 rule and changed its destination from any to WAN. This, however, promptly stopped all access to the Internet on LAN1. Ouch.
What am I missing here ?
@the-loquitur WAN Net is not the Internet, it is WAN’s subnet, often a /24.
If you are trying to block LAN1 from accessing 2, you need to add block rules, like:
Reject from LAN1 net to LAN2 net
Allow from LAN1 net to any
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