Switch DHCP server to KEA
Dear Sirs,
after upgrade to 23.09-RELEASE (arm)
built on Fri Nov 17 2:07:00 CET 2023
FreeBSD 14.0-CURRENTand switch DHCP server to KEA log get filled up with those messages can you help me understand what's the meaning?
Can I disable these log?
INFO [kea-dhcp4.dhcpsrv.0x21c13c00] EVAL_RESULT Expression pool_opt5_0 evaluated to 1 INFO [kea-dhcp4.dhcpsrv.0x21c13c00] EVAL_RESULT Expression pool_opt4_0 evaluated to 1 INFO [kea-dhcp4.dhcpsrv.0x21c13c00] EVAL_RESULT Expression pool_opt3_0 evaluated to 1 INFO [kea-dhcp4.dhcpsrv.0x21c13c00] EVAL_RESULT Expression pool_opt1_0 evaluated to 1 INFO [kea-dhcp4.dhcpsrv.0x21c13c00] EVAL_RESULT Expression pool_opt2_0 evaluated to 1 INFO [kea-dhcp4.dhcpsrv.0x21c13c00] EVAL_RESULT Expression pool_lan_0 evaluated to 1 INFO [kea-dhcp4.dhcpsrv.0x21c13c00] EVAL_RESULT Expression pool_opt5_0 evaluated to 1 INFO [kea-dhcp4.dhcpsrv.0x21c13c00] EVAL_RESULT Expression pool_opt4_0 evaluated to 1 INFO [kea-dhcp4.dhcpsrv.0x21c13c00] EVAL_RESULT Expression pool_opt3_0 evaluated to 1 INFO [kea-dhcp4.dhcpsrv.0x21c13c00] EVAL_RESULT Expression pool_opt1_0 evaluated to 1 INFO [kea-dhcp4.dhcpsrv.0x21c13c00] EVAL_RESULT Expression pool_opt2_0 evaluated to 1 INFO [kea-dhcp4.dhcpsrv.0x21c13c00] EVAL_RESULT Expression pool_lan_0 evaluated to 1
@Summer said in Switch DHCP server to KEA:
EVAL_RESULT Expression pool_opt5_0 evaluated to 1
EVAL_RESULT Expression %1 evaluated to %2
This debug message indicates that the expression has been evaluated to said value. This message is mostly useful during debugging of the client classification expressions.
when I switched to kea to see if worked, I didn't like the logging either - and don't see anyway as of yet to alter the logging level - it might be currently set to debug mode or something..
If your not happy with the logging currently, there is no actual need to switch to key as of yet. It is a preview, and there are many options that currently not working or exposed in the gui yet to control.
Yes isc dhcpd is going away, but not any time soon.. This is per ISC..
Does this mean ISC DHCP won’t work anymore?
No. The existing open source software will continue to function as it has, and current operators do not need to stop using ISC DHCP. Many networks with stable DHCP systems that are well-isolated from the open Internet can continue using ISC DHCP as long as their current systems function. However, it is time to start thinking about a migration plan to a more modern system that is actively maintained.
I am currently still using isc dhcpd because I use some of the features that are not yet available via kea. if you want you can just disable the warning in the same place you switched over to kea from isc.
Yes at some point pfsense will remove the isc dhcpd option I am sure, but I would assume this is not going to happen until such point that kea is up to par with the current features or exceeds the ones currently available by isc dhcpd.
@Summer said in Switch DHCP server to KEA:
Can I disable these log?
Read also this question, which is somewhat identical : Kea implementation.
I've looked around to see if I could filter syslogd entries .... didn't find anything 'easy and useful'.
So, plan B :
Get a keyboard.
Open and edit /etc/services.inc.
Locate the text 'severity' - you'll find the 'INFO' text, there are two places to find it.
Change both for 'WARN'.
Restart 'kea' in the GUI.
If it works : good (it does so for me).
If it doesn't : don't call me ^^ -
@Gertjan from the little breezing I have been doing for kea documentation, the logging facilities look way more sophisticated than isc dhcpd.. When they are out of preview mode I would not be surprised if all of that logging functionality is exposed in the gui, or maybe with custom options box like unbound has where you can setup stuff that isn't exposed via a gui checkbox/dropdown, etc
I just don't see why the rush to kea - it for sure is not a polished product as of yet in pfsense. I get it behooves a security software to warn about a eol product they are using.. Maybe it could of been worded a bit better to not get users that don't read the fine print or release notes to not jump the gun.
Unless your a basic/minimal dhcpd user with hey here is an IP for some dhcp client, I would just stick with isc for now.
Switched to KEA on the CE 2.7.2. Edition. DHCP is working fine, but KEA is flooding my DHCP log with nonsens. Searched for what they mean but didnt find any result via Google or in the documentation.
command_received received command 'lease4-get-all
eval_result expression pool_opt4_0 evaluated to 1
Don't understand why they are pushing this non finished implementation.
Switched back to the old ISC DHCP, those log entries make sense.