Mikrotik + Pfsense troubles
Hi guys, i don't know much about network configuration at all, thats my first timing setting a a captive portal and i found some troubles.
On the company network, I have a MikroTik as the default gateway, which is connected to a switch where devices are wired and receive IP addresses via DHCP from the MikroTik in the network. For Wi-Fi, I use pfSense with a captive portal.
The pfSense has the IP address, its WAN interface is in the network, and its LAN interface is in the network. PfSense assigns IP addresses via DHCP to clients connected to Wi-Fi.
The networks can communicate with each other, but there is a significant drop in speed when traffic goes from the to the network. Additionally, network discovery does not work correctly. Printers and Wi-Fi cameras cannot be discovered by devices connected directly to the MikroTik, and when configured manually, they work but with extremely low speed.
Firewall rules are configured directly on the MikroTik, with pfSense used solely as a captive portal and for logging user activity.
Any ideas why this happen?
What are you using for the wifi hardware? A wireless NIC in pfSense?
Devices discovery generally doesn't work between subnets like that. Additionally the Mikrotik would need a route to via to be able to reach it at all. Anything in the subnet trying to access will end up with an asymmetric route. That can cause low speeds.
Thanks for the reply!
We are using unifi ac pro for the wifi, connected directly in a second network adapter from the server.
We will verify the routing rule. -
S stephenw10 moved this topic from Wireless on
Ok this is not a wireless specific issue then it's a routing problem.
Why have you added pfSense here? Usually that's done to add separation between wired and wireless networks but to do that correctly you need to have both networks going to one router directly.
We added the pfsense to use the captive portal and get access log using squid proxy
Ok. You still need to do something to avoid route asymmetry. So that would be either putting LAN onto a pfSense interface or moving the pfSense WAN to a different interface on the Mikrotik router.