Mellanox ConnectX-2 drivers
Hello folks,
I have an extra ConnectX-2 card laying around and I through it in my pfSense homelab box. I've read that the ConnectX-2 does not have drivers compiled into the pfSense kernel but that FreeBSD 10 does support it out of the box.
I am totally unfamiliar with BSD, and don't quite know how to tackle building the required driver modules for this card. Does anybody have either a step-by-step to use on a vanilla FreeBSD VM (I'll just download and install it to build the module), or does anybody already have these compiled for the currently pfSense 2.3.4 kernel they can contribute?
Honestly I don't know why the devs won't enable the driver since it's already in the freebsd source, they just need to enable it when they compile pfsense. at least the ethernet portion of it… I can understand they don't want to support infiniband.
and to answer your question, you might find something here :
edit : I opened a feature request here :
Thanks for opening a feature request singerie. I have been looking to use some ConnectX-3 cards in pfsense for a few weeks now myself. I just opened a bounty here if anyone wants to either get paid for making this happen quickly or wants to contribute more to the cause: -
Hi Folks, new bie too, I am trying the same/similar here , with Infiniband ConnectX-2 dual QSFP+ on fiber NIC card in one of the PCIe slots of my new PFSense 2.4 physical box install (from an older recycled HP workstation) with an extra 4 ports 1GB/s NiC card ,
trying to bridge the Ethernet and Infiniband network, to hook up my homelab ESXI 6.5 server ( host for all VMs ) + NAS at a blazing speed.
I guess there are existing FreeBSD / OFED drivers but how can we get these installed and PFsense box to recognize the Mellanox Infiniband card on its PCIe slots.
thanks for your help, and to all for their advised comments on this thread. Best,