Took a break from working with StoreID and started my Apple IIe CRT recap, only 10 small capacitors left. Discharging a CRT stresses me out, glad that is done.
Almost done…
@JonathanLee Professor Eslinger from RTI (Regional Technical Institute) in the 2000s would be proud. The college wouldn’t let him do a hands on for our CRT lab because of the risks so he theoretically taught us how to do it anyway. The class ended the that week with him saying “well class this is really dangerous and can possibly kill you so we can’t do it in the class, moving on….”
That seems very complicated, I just started to play with arduino :)
Learning the basics, just got a bipolar transistor TIP122 to play with DC motor.
At first I was struggling to get the base resistor value, to understand how to calculate it..
But now I think I got it, almost three days searching just for this base resistor value heheI'm having a lot of fun actually :)
@mcury my favorite to YouTube is mercury arc rectifiers. That is some great electric stuff
@JonathanLee said in CRT fun:
mercury arc rectifiers
Wow, I didn't even know that such thing existed.. "covert alternating current (AC) to direct current (DC) using mercury vapour".
I'm a complete noob in electric stuff, but maybe next year I'll be ready to start my first project..
I got a RTC clock, got a DHT22 (humidity & temperature sensors) and now I want a 100nF capacitor, then I'll study how to get use a LCD screen with it to make a clock showing these things, maybe an alarm builtin with a buzzer :P
I would like to learn 3d modeling too, but that is for the future
YEAH!!! my color CRT is back yeah!!! I loved this thing as a kid.
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